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Pain management and treatment is extensively used in to help individuals coping with pain from various conditions and also during procedures – superficial as well as invasive. Lidocaine patch is typically recommended for use by patients grappling with nerve pain caused by herpes zoster and shingles. While the desired outcomes of pain relievers and anesthetics help patients, medications and formulations are not free from the possibility of undesirable effects. An advantage of the medication in focus is the fact that the mechanism of action of lidocaine prevents unconsciousness among patients making it a better choice.  Here is a good look at lidocaine patch side effects and measures required to mitigate or prevent the effects.

Overview of the local anesthetic and lidocaine patch side effects

The prescription only local anesthetic is available on prescription, in various formulations, including extended-release patches, topical applications (such as cream, gel, jelly, ointment, lotion and swab), in spray form, in powder form and as a solution. It works by blocking the signals in the nerve endings of the skin, and is one of the most commonly prescribed local anesthetics since its formal availability more than seven decades ago. It is necessary to understand the mechanism of action of the medication, which will help in identifying the possible symptoms.

Lidocaine works by numbing the sensations of tissues, by blocking the sodium channel, rendering neurons incapable of transmitting pain stimuli to the brain. As a result of this mechanism of action, pain sensations are numbed, offering substantial relief to patients. The ability of the medication to numb the senses also makes it a potential remedy for individuals grappling with premature ejaculation. Typically used as a spray or as a gel for individuals with the condition, it helps prolong and extend the time to ejaculation. Unintended consequences of the mechanism of action of lidocaine are undesirable effects such as vasodilation, change in heart beat and hypotension.

Lidocaine achieves nerve blockade on sodium channels on the insides of nerve cell membranes. The sequence of actions has dual outcomes. One, the anesthetic effect involves the prevention of pain signals from being transmitted to the brain, and two, the effect also altogether aborts the generation of pain stimuli, thereby proving to be highly effective in pain management. As mentioned above, the mechanism of action includes other actions that result in the stimulation of the central nervous system, and depression in the cardiovascular system. These actions are responsible for undesirable effects that manifest among users.

Preventing undesirable effects by ensuring proper use

One of the reasons for side effects of medications it he improper use and incorrect dosage. To prevent undesirable effects, it is essential to follow the recommendations of specialists. For instance, excessive use of the anesthetic is bound to result in unwanted effects, as the absorption through the skin will result in high doses of lidocaine entering the body. It is intended to be used as a topical local anesthetic, but is not suitable for certain injuries or burns. It is also not to be used on wounds that are infected, as this could trigger serious infections. Gel or ointment is ideally to be administered by a trained health care giver, usually prior to procedures. The patch or application is never to be used on open wounds, burn injuries or skin that has inflammation.

Individuals using the lidocaine skin patch need to remember that it works best only when the patch is applied on the skin as per recommendations. To avoid adverse effects, it is not to be used if it appears damaged or broken. Patches come in a sealed protective envelope and is to be opened only at the time of application. Individuals who wish to use one patch to cover multiple smaller areas of the skin can do so, by cutting the patch in desired smaller sizes. The patch is to be maintained dry at all times and should be replaced in the event of it being drenched in water or sweat. Exercises that are not too strenuous will not cause profuse sweating, but exercises of longer duration or of an intense nature may end up causing excessive sweating which could drench the patch with sweat.

Dosage of local anesthetics in various forms  

Incorrect dosage of medications is one of the main reasons for undesirable effects. Here is a look at the various forms of the local anesthetic and the ideal dosage to prevent unwanted effects, apart from achieving the desired outcomes. It is important to remember that information pertaining to ideal dosage is mainly for the purpose of reference and the actual dosage will depend on the individual’s condition and other factors. For instance, other existing conditions and medications will be assessed for interactions, before the actual prescription. Other factors include the duration of the medication, and the time between dosages.

Ointments for pain may be applied thrice a day with the maximum dosage per session not to exceed 5 grams. The ideal dosage for children will depend on the actual body weight and age of the child. Lidocaine skin patches for individuals afflicted with shingles are typically applied thrice a day, with the patches intended to be left in place for half a day. In the case of children, the duration and frequency of application of skin patches is determined by the age and weight of the child. Individuals with a sore throat are often recommended lidocaine in solution form to manage the pain associated with the condition. Adults prescribed the solution are typically prescribed 15 milliliters once every three hours. The frequency is to be capped at 8 evenly spaced-out doses in one day, and any increase in frequency is likely to trigger unwanted effects.

Most individuals tend to try and make up for a missed dose by taking an extra dose. This is incorrect and could result in wanted and undesirable effects. The ideal method is to skip the missed dose or skin patch if it’s time for the scheduled dose. In the event of the missed dose or skin patch being noticed long before the next scheduled dose, the individual may wear the patch immediately or take the recommended dose.

Commonly reported side effects of the local anesthetic

As highlighted above, all medications come with the possibility of undesirable effects. This can be broadly classified into commonly reported effects, and rarely occurring effects. The former may not require medical intervention and will most likely resolve naturally. The more severe or rarely occurring effects may require medical intervention and depending on the condition may also require emergency attention. It is important to add that side effects are a possibility and not the norm. Certain individuals may not experience any undesirable effects at all, while some may experience some effects.

Here is a look at commonly occurring side effects of the local anesthetic that individuals are likely to experience with regular or frequent use of the local anesthetic in most forms. For instance, there is likely to be reaction at the site of application, such as burning sensation or bruising. The possibility of itching, and the outbreak of blisters also cannot be ruled out at the site of application. Patients are likely to experience a light headed feeling when on the anesthetic. This may or may be accompanied by feelings of dizziness, or nausea. In addition to the above, the patient is also likely to experience nervousness, and possible vision related difficulties. Low levels of blood pressure are another possibility that is linked to the use of the local anesthetic. This is attributed to the mechanism of action, explained earlier.

Outcomes from patches that are considered as serious in nature

As listed out in detail earlier, the local anesthetic comes with the possibility of rarely occurring undesirable effects that are considered as serious in nature. Here is a look at adverse effects of local anesthetic patches. For instance, the skin patch may cause severe or intense pain or reactions at the site of application. This includes possible burning sensation, inflammation, stinging sensation, welling and a reddish appearance. Individuals are also likely to experience abnormal dizziness that is not attributed to any other reason. Confusion is another possible adverse reaction, that may or may not be accompanied by blurred vision. Patients using the patch may experience a ringing sensation in the ears, along with an abnormal spike in temperature.

Drug interactions with other medications and formulations

In addition to the above, there are also possibilities of drug interactions with other medications and formulations. This includes herbal remedies, supplements and natural products. For instance, anti-arrhythmia medications are likely to cause drug interactions as a result of the conflicting mechanism of action. Medications that belong to this category impact heart rate and rhythm, in addition to triggering other side effects. In addition to this, the efficacy and safety of the skin patch on pregnant women has not been fully evaluated. This makes it necessary for pregnant women to exercise extreme caution while opting for the skin patches. Similarly, there is also the possibility of the local anesthetic entering breast milk in amounts that may cause undesirable effects, mandating the need for lactating women to seek specific advice from specialists.

Apart from the reported effects that include burning sensation and irritation on the skin, there are allergic reactions attributed to skin patches. While these reactions are rare in occurrence, the possibility cannot be entirely ruled out. Common anaphylactoid reactions include dermatitis, and bronchospasm. Other possible reactions include hypersensitivity, urticaria and  laryngospasm. Such reactions require attention from qualified medical experts as per suitable protocols.