A normal range of blood pressure is a key thing for cardiac wellbeing. An optimal pressure range is equally important to keep your kidneys healthy. You are advised to keep pressure levels under control to avoid likely risks of strokes and other renal problems. Lisinopril is a widely used medication for control of pressure level. It is categorised under a genre of meds known as angiotensin converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibiting drugs. But, do you know what happens when you take lisinopril and alcohol? It is a vital thing to know more details on this front.
Angiotensin converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibiting medications are taken for easing your blood vessels. These meds are also administered to reduce blood volume. All these actions lead to an effective control of pressure level, by decreasing the quantum of oxygen needed by your cardiac system. The chief function of such meds is to inhibit chemicals which alter angiotensin-I (also called ATI) as ATII or angiotensin-II. You may need to understand ATII has a strong association with narrowing your blood vessels, especially arteries.
So what is lisinopril?
It is the narrowing of arteries that cause blood pressure to climb up. Lisinopril is one of the popular ACE inhibiting meds taken to reduce pressure. Intake of this med helps avoid cardiac complications such as heart arrest / cardiac failures as well as onset of strokes, kidney disorders. People who recently had a heart failure can increase the odds of their survival. To this effect, lisinopril is prescribed for use soon after a cardiac arrest or heart failure.
One of the main tasks of this drug is to ease tension built up on the arterial walls. Key ingredients essentially prevent vessels from contracting. In this process, your pressure levels are brought to an optimal range.
Lisinopril and alcohol
Alcohol is likely to interact adversely with meds like lisinopril. In general, alcohol beverages can change the ways in which key chemicals of lisinopril are absorbed by your system. Moreover, alcohol can alter the concentration levels of ACE inhibiting drugs. This action can either cause an overdosed situation or may make the dosing inadequate to resolve your medical condition.
Typical side effects of combining alcohol and lisinopril are excessive levels of dizziness, feeling drowsy, tired as well as fatigued. In some people, this combination has led to cramping of muscles.
Severe outcomes include rapid heartbeats (also known as arrhythmia), pain in chest (angina), discoloration of eyes and skin. The last outcome is mainly due to changes in liver enzymes as possible hepatic conditions.
It is hence important to tell your doctor of drinking habits. Those who take alcohol everyday are advised to reduce the intake. Better still, it is a good practice to stop using alcohol till the end of your dosage plan.
Precautions needed while taking lisinopril
Users need to understand that lisinopril is grouped as a category-D drug. This means there is scope for some “positive proof of risks” to your fetus. Due to this rating, it is unsafe for females who are currently pregnant (as well as women planning to become pregnant) must talk to their caregiver prior to starting your dosage plan.
In essence, lisinopril exerts ample control on your blood pressure level. This drug must be taken under the supervision of a qualified caregiving team. Consumption of this med as an over the counter drug or via self-medication may cause acute side effects.
If you experience severe abdominal problems such as vomiting, nausea, and discharge of loose stools, call 911 (in the US) or dial Health Canada (in Canada). To know more about the use of alcohol and lisinopril, it is a safe thing to consult with your pharmacist / treating doctor.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug