Young children are vaccinated in order to afford protection against diseases and one of the common vaccinations includes pneumococcal pediatric vaccine. Commonly known as Prevnar 13, this vaccine is for the purpose of primarily protecting the infants against diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia. Additional diseases that are protected include chronic ear infections, and other infections attributed to the bacteria streptococcus. There are variations in the vaccine, for instance, certain formulations are intended for use by aged individuals while some are meant for use by children above two years of age. Here is a look at Prevnar 13 side effects and tips to mitigate the same.

Vaccine overview and Prevnar 13 side effects

The vaccine Prevnar 13 is administered for children when the child is 2, 4, 6, 12 and 15 months old. In the case of adults, the vaccine is administered just once. The purpose of the vaccine is to afford protection from thirteen different types of bacteria that are known to cause infections. Before we look at Prevnar 13 side effects it is necessary to understand more about the vaccine itself. I tis important to learn about the different formulations and specific use cases. One of the formulations of the vaccine is meant for use by children above the age of 2 with specific medical conditions. For instance, children with certain conditions such as heart ailments, or ailments that affect the lung, the liver, and the spleen. Other conditions include diabetes, sickle cell anemia or the dreaded human immunodeficiency virus.

Recommended use of the vaccine to avoid Prevnar 13 side effects

The recommended use of the vaccine helps to prevent prevnar 13 side effects. The vaccine is injected into the muscle by a trained healthcare professional in a medical setting. In infants, the vaccine is injected intramuscularly into the thigh, and int eh case of children and adults, the vaccine is injected intramuscularly into the upper arm. The dosage of the vaccine is 4 shots for children, and the dosage depends on the age of the recipient. IN the case of adults, the vaccine is typically a single shot. Specific procedures are followed when the intended child recipient plans to undergo spleen surgery or chemotherapy after the vaccination. In such instances, the vaccination is to be undertaken with a gap of at least two weeks prior to the surgical procedure or chemotherapy. This also applies to drugs that are prescribed for children that are known to decrease the immunity levels. It is important to discuss all special cases with the treating specialist before the vaccination.

Commonly reported Prevnar 13 side effects

Without exception all medication shave side effects. These could be intense in nature, or could also be mild or moderate in nature. In a similar manner, the vaccine is also no exception with recipients reporting Prevnar 13 side effects. Some of the adverse effects are common in nature, while some are not common and come with serious consequences. Commonly observed side effects include reactions at the site of administration of the injection. For instance, there could be possible redness at the injection site. Similarly, individuals may experience some pain or swelling at the site. Other known effects include the formation of a hard lump or pain in the muscles and joints. There is also the likelihood of recipients ending up with fever as a result of the vaccination. Individuals who suffer from pain or have high fever may consult a specialist for prescription pain killers or medication to handle the fever.

Other Prevnar 13 side effects that have been reported include possible drowsy feelings, a sudden and abnormal loss of appetite and diarrhea. Individuals are likely to experience nausea, and become irritable. In the event that any of these conditions are persistent in nature or the intensity is unbearable, individuals are advised to seek medical attention. Some of the side effects are purely temporary in nature and may not require any special attention. For instance, there is a possibility of individuals feeling faint or experiencing a lightheaded feeling. This dizziness is most likely to be temporary in nature and will not require any kind of treatment.

Similarly, individuals may end up certain other manifestations of prevnar 13 side effects, including sudden change in vision, or a tingling sensation in the body. This could sometimes be accompanied with a numb feeling. In a limited number of individuals, the reactions to the vaccine could also be the onset of movements that are similar to seizures. Recipients who experience any issues immediately after receiving the vaccination are to report the same to the medical professional. Some of the symptoms can be relieved when the recipient is made to relax in a reclining position. The majority of recipients who receive the vaccination have not reported any serious side effects.

Prevnar 13 side effects that need medical intervention

As mentioned above, some prevnar 13 side effects may require urgent medical attention. This is necessary to prevent the conditions from manifesting or aggravating to other serious conditions. For instance, seizures are considered as a serious condition that needs to be handled medically. Similarly, serious allergic reactions also require medical attention. While it is true that serious allergic reactions are rare with this vaccination, there is the possibility of certain allergic reactions. For instance, rashes, or some kind of itching sensation that is severe is considered to be serious. Similarly, any abnormal swelling also needs to be checked by a medical professional. This is especially important and critical int eh case of any swelling that occurs in the face, in the throat, or the tongue. Other conditions that mandate medical intervention include difficulty in breathing, or dizziness that is very severe.

Precautions that need to be taken to avoid Prevnar 13 side effects

To avoid Prevnar 13 side effects it is important to follow certain precautions. For instance, intended beneficiaries of the vaccine are expected to inform the healthcare providers of certain pre-existing conditions. Individuals who are allergic to any vaccine or with a history of allergies are to bring this to the notice of the healthcare provider. The vaccine may contain certain ingredients that are inactive in nature and this could also be responsible for the allergic reactions. A detailed sharing of medical history is essential to prevent the onset of adverse effects. This typically needs to include details such as immunization or vaccination undertaken in the past. Other details could include a history of illnesses or fever in the recent past. Issues that mandatorily need to be informed along with medical history should include details of any bleeding, or low platelet counts. Women who are pregnant are typically advised to take the vaccination only if specially prescribed, and studies are ongoing to understand if the vaccine has an impact on breast milk. It is therefore necessary for lactating women to seek medical advice before taking the vaccine.

Possible drug interactions and Prevnar 13 side effects

Without exception, most drugs have drug interactions, and vaccines are generally known to have lesser impact. However, the performance of certain medications is likely to be impacted as a result of the vaccine, and it is therefore necessary to intimate the healthcare provider about the drugs being prescribed for various conditions. This should also include the use of herbal supplements, or natural products or any OTC formulations that are being taken for any condition or as a wellness regimen. Prevnar 13 side effects include the impact on specific medications such as blood thinners and drugs used for treating cancer. Certain corticosteroids, and medications that are known to reduce the power of the immune system are also known to be affected as a result of the vaccine.

Intended beneficiaries of the vaccine

In continuation of information above about the beneficiaries of the vaccine, here is additional information. The vaccine is typically recommended for children below the age of 2 years and adults above the age of 65. In certain situations, it is necessary for older children to also be given the vaccination. As mentioned above, Prevnar 13 side effects manifest in individuals with certain conditions and is therefore not safe for certain categories of individuals to take the vaccine.

How does the vaccine work?

The vaccine works by combating the infections that are known to invasive in nature. The invasive category of infections typically causes serious bacterial infections and in certain rare cases can also result in fatalities. The vaccination is known to specifically benefit and protect recipients from the 13 different strains of bacterial infections. All these infections are categorised into pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal pneumonia.

Compilation of Prevnar 13 side effects

To sum up, here is a compilation of Prevnar 13 side effects. Among the side effects of the vaccine, the following are either noteworthy, frequent or require some kind of medical attention. Vaccine recipients may experience a thickening of the skin that is medical known as induration. Individuals may also end up with a sudden increase in appetite. Feelings of drowsiness and difficult in sleeping are also part of the side effects. Some individuals are known to sleep for an abnormally long time and also experience tiredness/fatigue. Redness or thickening at the site of injection administration is also a possibility. Recipients may also end up with fever and could be irritable in nature. This is often attributed to the pain and the reactions experienced at the site of administration of injection. Additionally, beneficiaries of the vaccine can also experience nausea and end up vomiting.

Certain prevnar 13 side effects, as mentioned earlier are infrequent in nature. For instance, the manifestation of rashes on the skin, or diarrhea, or hives are also a possibility, though not frequent in nature. The rare side effects of the vaccine are effectively the conditions that require more attention and care. For instance, angioedema, apnea, erythema multiforme anaphylaxis and hypersensitivity reactions to the drug are all rare reactions. These conditions may require treatment at a medical facility. Individuals who experience any abnormal changes or conditions such as difficulties in breathing or any abnormal rashes, or allergies need to quickly seek assistance. Mild conditions that resolve naturally and are one time in nature, may not require any special care.