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In the US more than 18% of the adult male population above the age of 20, suffer from erectile dysfunction. Individuals with diabetes were found to be more affected by the condition, as was the prevalence with advancing age. Males with lower physical activity and hypertension are also at risk of experiencing ED. Various medications are presently in use for treating the condition and Tadalafil (Cialis) is one of the popular treatment options. By virtue of the mechanism of action and the desired outcomes of the medication, side effects are possible. We will take a detailed look at all the side effects of Cialis and the best methods of managing the same.

Drug overview and side effects of Cialis

Before we look at the side effects of Cialis it is necessary to understand more about the formulation and its mechanism of action. Popularly known by its brand name Cialis, Tadalafil is an oral formulation for treating erectile dysfunction/impotence. Belonging to the category of PDE5 inhibitor, it is popular for its longer half life when compared with other medications for erectile dysfunction. It has a longer duration of action and consequently, is known as the weekend pill. In addition to the effects of the pill on erectile dysfunction it is also known to be used for treating BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia. Commonly known as enlarged prostate this condition afflicts aged males, and the medication helps in reducing the symptoms associated with the condition. This is attributed to the mechanism of action for treating erectile dysfunction by relaxing the smooth muscles and increasing blood flow.

Mechanism of action and side effects of Cialis

To learn more about the mechanism of action of the drug, it is necessary to understand the process of erection. The release of nitric oxide is partly responsible for erection and sustaining an erection. This in turn triggers the release of cGMP which causes a relaxation of smooth muscles, that facilitate increased flow of blood to the penis. As a consequence of these actions, individuals achieve a successful erection and are also able to sustain the erection. PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) brings about a degradation of cGMP and this affects erection. Cialis, as a selective inhibitor of PDE5 ensures that the levels of cGMP are not reduced by PDE5 and this in turn ensures that the erection is maintained, when some kind of sexual stimulation triggers the erection. Here it is important to note that Cialis works only when sexual stimulation triggers an erection by releasing nitric oxide and cGMP.

Before we look at the side effects of side effects of Cialis it is time to learn more about erection. The penile arteries are relaxed during stimulation, and the smooth muscles and this results in increased flow of blood to the penis. The release of nitric oxide stimulates the cGMP in the smooth muscle cells that end up relaxed, facilitating increased flow of blood. The degradation of cGMP by PDE5 is responsible for affecting the duration of the erection and the quality of the erection. By selectively inhibiting PDE5 Cialis helps maintain an erection by keeping cGMP levels in the smooth muscle at the desired levels.

Commonly reported side effects of Cialis

Commonly reported side effects of Cialis mild effects that are purely temporary in nature and are known to resolve naturally. For instance, individuals may experience pain in the back that is not associated to physical activity. Similarly, muscle pain is also a possibility, while some experience headache. The medication can cause heartburn in patients, while some end up with a stuff nose. The possibility of experiencing pain in the arms and legs are high, while some individuals may also experience a feeling of warmth on the skin accompanied by redness – commonly known as flushing. While these conditions resolve in a few days, symptoms that persist or are intense in nature need to be managed with medical intervention.

Side effects of Cialis that are regarded as serious in nature

There are certain side effects of Cialis that are regarded as serious in nature. However, these effects are not commonly reported and are in fact rare occurrences. For instance, individuals may experience abnormal changes in hearing, that includes loss of hearing or a ringing sensation in the ears, apart from difficulty in hearing and dizziness. Some individuals are likely to experience an allergic reaction, while others may report an impact on vision. In certain cases, individuals are known to have erections for an extended time than desired. Th possibility of changes in blood pressure levels is also high.

The allergic reactions to Cialis include rashes and the Stevens-Johnson syndrome that could actually be fatal in rare cases as a result of the formation of blisters that are painful. Indications of a mild allergic reaction include an itchy sensation, rashes on the skin and flushing. Indications of a severe allergic reaction include inflammation beneath the skin on hands, feet and eyelids. Similarly, patients are also known to experience difficulty in breathing, while others experience swelling in the tongue, throat and the mouth.

Among side effects of Cialis it is important to monitor the change in blood pressure levels that could be an outcome. For instance, individuals have reported lowered blood pressure levels when tested with 20 mg dosages of the medication. The probability of a decrease in blood pressure levels may be witnessed more in patients taking Cialis while on medications for managing blood pressure levels. Common symptoms of this condition include blurred vision and feelings of dizziness apart from sensations of fainting. High blood pressure is also a distinct possibility, and the commonly reported symptoms include pain in the chest and headache. Individuals who experience these symptoms at a more intense level need to report and seek medical attention.

Simple techniques to prevent side effects of Cialis

While it may not be possible to avoid some of the side effects of Cialis it is possible to ensure that some side effects are mitigated and prevented effectively. For instance, individuals need to maintain the timing of taking the medication – by taking the medication at the same time every day, or at the time/frequency as prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to remember that while some medications may be available without a prescription, it is essential to take Cialis only after consultations with a doctor who will check to see that it does not have any adverse effects. Similarly, medications for treating ED are never typically combined with other medications for ED. To put this differently, individuals taking Cialis are not to mix this with other medications or take more than one dose daily.

The need to not over-indulge when on Cialis

Another effective method of preventing side effects of Cialis is to not over indulge while on the medication. The effects of alcohol on blood pressure levels and the effects of Cialis on blood pressure levels are similar – lowering of levels. I tis therefore necessary to stay off alcohol when on Cialis or reduce intake so that blood pressure levels are not significantly lowered. Common symptoms associated with lowering of blood pressure levels include unexplained dizziness. Individuals who consume too much of alcohol alongwith Cialis may end up with certain symptoms such as an increase in heart rate and headache.

The medication is known to have desired outcomes in as less as 30 minutes, but in some cases, it could take as long as 5 hours for results to be experienced. It is therefore necessary to resist the urge to take another dose of Cialis when effects are not felt. As a result of its dual use – for erectile dysfunction and BPH – depending on the need, it may be required for individuals to take Cialis daily. In such instances, more care needs to be exercised to ensure that the side effects of the medications are managed effectively.