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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often the first choice of treatment for pain from certain specific conditions. For instance, symptomatic conditions for menstrual cramps, arthritis, headache and problems in the muscle are fever and pain. While the conditions that are linked to the symptoms are treated with appropriate medication, the symptoms also require to be treated. Treatment of the symptoms often deliver faster results than treatment of conditions that cause the symptoms. Analgesics and other medications classified as NSAIDs are typically used for treating the pain. Advil, belonging to this category of medications is one among the popular brands prescribed for the conditions. While most NSAIDs are typically available as OTC medications, certain strengths are available only on prescription. Here is a detailed look at the active ingredient Ibuprofen in the medication, and the side effects of Advil.

Overview of Advil and available forms of the medication

By virtue of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, Advil is regarded as an effective medication with a relatively better tolerance.  Medications used for managing pain include opioids and steroids, that may deliver fast results, but come with undesired outcomes. These undesirable effects may negate the positive benefits of the medication, rendering these categories as second or last choice for specific conditions. These two categories of medications are often used only when the condition is severe with a clear need for immediate benefits, regardless of possible future adverse effects.

Available formulations of advil

Advil, as mentioned earlier is a branded form of Ibuprofen and is available in six different formulations. For instance, the medication comes as Advil tables, as Advil liquid-gel minis, as Advil easy open arthritis cap, as Advil dual action, as a Advil liquid-gels, and Advil migraine. The medication is also available as combination medication and for pediatric use. In addition to the above, Advil is also available as cold and allergy products with other ingredients.

Why is Advil considered as effective?

Advil, brand name for ibuprofen is regarded as effective due to the dual properties of the ingredients. A dose dependent outcome of the medication also makes it unique and suitable as prescription medication. For instance, Advil and other medications that contain ibuprofen have anti-inflammatory properties when the dosage is high. When taken in lower doses, the medication has analgesic properties, which makes it suitable for use as OTC medication. Various symptoms associated with certain condition are managed with impressive results. For instance, Advil helps manage fever, reduce pain, and control inflammation.

Mechanism of action of Advil

The properties and outcomes of the medication are attributed to the mechanism of action of the ingredients. It is a non-selective inhibitor of COX (cyclooxygenase), an enzyme that is responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxane. Known as mediators, prostaglandins and thromboxane are precursors that are at the beginning of a sequence of actions that result in pain and fever. Advil and other medications of the same category work by inhibiting these two mediators. As a result of this inhibition, pain, fever and inflammation are effectively controlled in patients. The enzyme COX is further split into COX-1 and COX-2 which result in different outcomes. Inhibitors of cox are generally known as selective and non-selective, which essentially refers to either selectively inhibiting a particular enzyme or inhibiting both without any particular selective action. Ibuprofen belongs to the category of non-selective inhibitors, which means that it works on both COX-1 and COX-2.

Symptoms managed with Advil

As mentioned above, Advil is used for symptomatically treating various conditions. This includes dental pain, and pain that is experienced by women during menstrual cramps. Muscle aches and arthritis are other conditions that trigger pain and fever in the individual, which can be treated with Advil. As mentioned above, Advil is available in various forms and depending on the condition, specific forms are recommended. For instance, Advil migraine is suitable for individuals with migraine, while the easy open arthritis cap would be a convenient option for individuals with arthritis. It is important to add here that the latter comes with a special design improvement in the bottle dispenser, which makes it suitable for individuals with the condition.

Possible side effects of Advil that could be experienced by patients

Side effects or undesirable outcomes are an inescapable part of medications. This is mainly because of the mechanism of action of the medication, and in some instances, the ingredients or compounds in the medication are responsible for adverse effects. The mere mention of the term side effects may cause apprehensions in the minds of patients with imaginations of extreme effects. However, it is important to add that all medications in the market are available only after extensive trials have been conducted. Only after the regulatory authorities are satisfied that trials and the results permit approval; will a drug be made available commercially. This essentially means that the medication has passed certain tests that make it effective to treat the condition, without the risk of very severe adverse effects.

Depending on the unwanted effects, medications are labelled with different categories, with the black box warning considered as a serious warning of risk. Symptoms experienced by patients may not necessarily be the same, with some patients likely to be free from all undesirable effects. Contrastingly, other patients may experience mild or moderate effects and in rare instances, the effects may be severe. Medical attention to treat or manage the undesirable effects depend on the type of adverse effect. It is important to add here that allergies constitute a possible potential risk of aggravating into a serious condition if left untreated. Most individuals consider allergies as mild or trivial in nature and tend to pay little attention to the possible serious outcomes. For instance, certain allergies can turn into serious respiratory problems if not treated on time and it is necessary to identify the nature of allergy and seek proper treatment.

Commonly reported adverse outcomes

Undesirable outcomes are broadly categorized into commonly experienced effects, and rarely experienced effects. The commonly experienced effects are typically mild or moderate in nature while the rare effects are serious in nature. The latter may require some form of medical intervention depending on the condition, while the former typically resolve naturally without the need for treatment.

Diarrhea is sometimes commonly experienced by patients, that could also be accompanied by a bloated stomach. Patients reportedly experience an urge to vomit along with feelings of nausea. While one section of patients reportedly experience diarrhea, others are known to endure constipation, a contrasting condition. Dyspepsia is another condition that may be experienced by individuals, which typically begins with indigestion and pain in the upper portion of the abdomen.


A dizzy feeling is a possible experience among patients taking the medication for the first time. Patients are known to sometimes be nervous when on the medication, while some have headaches. A small section of patients also end up with rashes on the skin, which are generally mild. However, depending on the persistent nature of the rashes, it may be necessary to seek assistance to treat the rashes. Tinnitus is another possible undesirable effect experienced by patients, a condition that refers to the abnormal ringing sensation in the ears. Edema is one of the health-related conditions experienced by patients on the medication; and this condition requires medical attention. The retention of fluid in the limb extremities and other parts needs to be controlled or stopped to prevent aggravation into other health issues.

The need to stop Advil before undergoing surgical procedures

Advil and medications that contain ibuprofen are regarded as unsafe for patients who have either undergone a surgical procedure or planning to have one. This is specifically related to heart procedures and patients are advised to seek medical advice and take alternative medication. The mechanism of action of Advil also makes it unsuitable for patients with certain health conditions that are chronic in nature. Stomach ulcers often trigger internal bleeding and Advil is unsuitable for patients with the condition. Pain in the abdomen or heartburn are conditions that render the medication as unsuitable.

Avoid handling machinery to prevent hazards at the workplace

As outlined earlier, there is the possibility of patients feeling dizzy while on the medication. Nausea and dizzy feelings are potential hazard causing conditions in workplaces, where there is a need for a high degree of alertness and reflex action. For instance, the operation of heavy machinery may require the operator to remain alert at all times, with a very sharp sense of reflex action. An individual who suddenly feels dizzy or has feelings of nausea is likely to operate the machinery in a manner that may jeopardize the safety of others in the workplace. Similarly, patients on the medication are advised to avoid driving, especially if there have been any undesirable effects.

NSAIDs are not to be used on patients with specific conditions

Certain conditions and the use of specific medications make most NSAIDs unsuitable in such situations. For instance, patients with liver conditions are advised to avoid NSAIDs. Similarly, patients diagnosed with renal conditions, and patients on diuretics are also advised to avoid taking the medication. The use of multiple types of NSAIDs or medications that contain ibuprofen as an ingredient with other NSAIDs may result in an increase in the amount of the medication in the body. It is therefore necessary to be fully aware of all medications and the ingredients in the medications. Anticoagulants are another class of medications that are not to be combined with NSAIDs. By following simple precautions, and staying aware it is possible to prevent adverse outcomes or conditions from medications.