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Inflammation of skin or itchiness are more commonly known skin conditions. These problems can show up as discoloration or reddening of your skin, formation of rashes as well as dryness. In some remote instances, you are likely to experience scaling of skin coupled with a severe bout of inflammation. Clobetasol cream is known as one of the treatment options to manage most of these skin problems. It has clobetasol topical as one of its most active ingredients. It becomes very important to know more about the side effects this skin cream is likely to trigger.

Clobetasol cream is used for the treatment of a wide range of skin-related ailments. These include conditions like pruritus (frequent and intensive episodes of itchiness), scaling or flaking of skin due to lack of moisture as well as excessive dryness, etc. In some acute spells of psoriasis – wherein cell-level multiplication occurs at an unprecedented rate, this skin cream has been prescribed by dermatologists / skin care specialists.

As the drug may contain very strong steroids in it, you need to inform your treating doctor about the other treatment plans currently pursued. It is a good practice to maintain a list of drugs that you are presently taking. While you are compiling this list, always ensure to include dietary supplements, herbal meds, proteins, vitamins, over the counter drugs as well as all forms of prescription meds.

What are the side effects of clobetasol cream?

You need to remember that clobetasol cream is made from highly concentrated variants of steroids – known as corticosteroids. Owing to high level of potency, it is likely to trigger a few undesired side effects. The nature of side effects depends on your pre-existing illnesses, hypersensitivity to this drug (and to its active ingredients), dosage levels and duration of the medication plan.

Most people who used clobetasol cream never reported any major side effects. A few common discomforts such as a burning sensation or a mild irritation may be observed in sizable number of users. However, in remote instances, users have reported acute side effects like development of cracks on skin, inflammation of hair follicles, a severe level of skin irritation, numbing of digits (especially, your fingers), etc. You are advised to talk to your caregiver upon noticing one or more of these discomforts or reddening of skin, swelling, etc. Those who are in the US may need to call 911; those living in Canada can reach out to Health Canada immediately. As an alternative, those in US may also call the helpdesk of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); this federal agency runs a helpline to observe adverse reactions of drugs it has cleared.

Precautions to be observed prior to using this skin cream

In order to avoid added risks, ensure to wash your hands soon after using this cream. Never take the drug closer to your face, nostrils or eyes. This drug must never be ingested. So, keep it out of reach of pets as well as children. It is equally important to use it within the prescribed level; excessive usage can trigger thinning of skin or a few other skin conditions. Consult with your dermatologist about the right amount of cream to be used, and also about the need for time intervals in between two doses.

It is extremely harmful to use this cream on children; in general, ensure to use it only on people who are 13 years or more. Also, if you have any known hypersensitivity or allergies to its active ingredients (such as clobetasol topical, etc.) – your caregiver needs to be kept informed of such pre-existing allergies. Moreover, it is not fully clear if it is safe to be used while you are pregnant or while you are nursing an infant. Always consult with your obstetrician prior to starting your treatment plans for managing skin disorders such as pruritus, dermatitis, etc.

It is not safe to use this topical skin cream for more than 15 days. Your dermatologist may prescribe using it upto twice per day. However, the most common use is once within a 24-hour time period. In general, it is highly recommended to use this cream soon after having a meal. In some one-off instances, it is quite likely that this drug and its active ingredient – i.e., clobetasol topical – may cause an acute level of dizziness or drowsiness in users. In such cases, it is not recommended to operate heavy machines or engage in activities that may need a high level of mental concentration and focus. For example, it may prove to be fatal if you are driving or engaged in adventurous sporting activities such as swimming, cycling or jumping.

Precautions for the elderly or older people

Dizziness and / or drowsiness are likely to show up more among older or elderly patients. Hence, those aged above 55 years of age must apply this cream strictly under the supervision of a caregiver or a dermatologist. It is equally important not to stop applying this cream without telling your caregiver. Based on your age and / or other disorders, the dosages are tapered down before ending the treatment plan. So, talk to your dermatologist about how to reduce the dosages at the end of the medication plan.

Those who have missed a dose are advised not to apply this skin cream twice. Such a practice may trigger risks of an overdose. So, it is recommended to skip the dose you missed and proceed ahead with your next dose. On the other hand, if you have missed a few doses, talk to your pharmacist to reschedule your doses / medication plan. Last but not least, ensure to store this cream at ambient (room) temperature. Ensure to keep it far away from a direct exposure to sunlight or other sources of light. You may also need to store it away from possible sources of heat.

In sum, users of clobetasol cream seldom experience severe discomforts or side effects. Some minor side effects include skin irritation or redness of skin. Severe discomforts include cracking of skin, inflammation of follicles, numbing of finger tips, etc. Upon witnessing one or more of these side effects, call 911 if you are in the US. If you are in Canada, call Health Canada without delay. Above all, establish quick contact with your caregiver and take needful clinical support on an urgent mode.