Nutritional supplements are here to stay and globally, there is an uptick in consumption and the search for diverse sources of nutrition. Studies indicate that 76 percent of populations in the USA take supplements. This clearly indicates the need for supplementing diets that are victims of lifestyle and the absolute lack of time. Nutrient intake is now extending to products and sources beyond the typical protein powder supplements that constituted a major portion of products. Sources such as hemp and inflorescence are slowly increasing in popularity; though apprehensions of hemp seeds side effects and the category association with the cannabis family has had some impact on the growing demand for hemp seeds as a nutritional supplement.
Overview of hemp and inflorescence
Hemp contains non-psychoactive cannabinoids, by virtue of belonging to the category of a biologically active cannabinoid. It is an anti-convulsant, anxiolytic and also contains spasmolytic properties that makes it useful in managing certain conditions. In addition to the distinct properties, it also contains vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fats, amino acids and fibers that are essential, and constitute important nutrition for the body. However, by virtue of its classification as a member of the cannabis family, the delicious seeds are wrongly considered as substances that intoxicate with little or no nutrient value.
Hemp seeds are known to help patients diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory conditions and cancer. The outcomes in cancer patients are mostly linked to relief and not linked to treatment of the condition.
Properties of hemp seeds
As outline above, hemp seeds contain standout properties and an impressive nutrient profile, including an abundant supply of antioxidants. Here is a look at the nutrient break down of hemp seeds. In every three spoons of hemp seeds, there is 9 grams of proteins, 1.2 grams of fat, 2.6 grams of carbohydrates, 14.5 grams of fatty acids, 11 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 1.6 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids, and 1.3 grams of saturated fatty acids.
Benefits to patients with heart conditions
Heart health is significantly benefitted from the right balance of amino acids, and hemp seeds deliver nine different amino acids. While various nutritional supplements are also known to contain the amino acids, hemp seeds have a distinct edge. Relatively smaller servings of hemp seeds contain high protein and amino acids. This is in sharp contrast with other supplements that may require large servings for a similar level of proteins and amino acids. Almost as much as one third of the total weight of the seeds are proteins, making it a protein packed nutrient. Other supplements that deliver high levels of proteins in the same proportion include soybean. These nutrition supplements deliver high levels of proteins from plant and vegetable sources, making it a wonderful choice for vegans on the lookout for supplements. It is also a good choice for all users, to look at sources other than animal or synthetic inputs.
Apart from the arginine in hemp seeds, the rich supply of antioxidants helps individuals with heart conditions to benefit greatly from the supplement.
Benefits to patients from fiber content
The number of patients with gut health conditions continue to swell in numbers globally and in the US. Hemp contains fiber that is essential for improving gut health. Every spoon of hemp seeds contains as much as 1.2 gm, with most of the fiber located in the outer shell. Apart from the impact on gut health, hemp also helps individuals on weight control programs. Its filling nature helps to control cravings for food and binge eating. Additionally, fiber is also important in regulating blood sugar levels, making the seeds useful for individuals diagnosed with diabetes. The properties of hemp also extend to digestive health – through improved motility, and bulking. A large number of patients are diagnosed with gut health complications as a result of poor fiber intake. The supplements help improve gut health, and prevent complications, apart from managing the condition effectively.
Benefits from fatty acids
The body receives essential fatty acids through dietary intake, as it is not produced in the body. I tis therefore necessary to choose products that deliver fatty acids in the right levels. The alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) in omega-3 fatty acids from hemp seeds are known to deliver potential health benefits, especially in the context of striking the right balance between omega-3 and omega-6 intake. One of the distinct properties of hemp seeds are the benefits of getting this perfect balance. The absence of trans fats make hemp seeds a good choice of supplements, as trans fats are known to result in unhealthy outcomes. Polyunsaturated fats are known to help users achieve and maintain good health, and this is one of the reasons why supplements with polyunsaturated fats are promoted and users are encouraged to consume products on a long-term basis.
Benefits on brain health
Properties of hemp seeds include neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Various neurological conditions and age-related degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s can be managed holistically with hemp seeds. These conditions are attributed to inflammation and age-related damage, that can be mitigated to a certain extent with products that contain the above properties. The ability to offer relief of neuropathic pain makes it the ideal product for use in therapies. The antioxidants in hemp seeds are known to have a positive impact on neurological conditions, and this makes it important as part of holistic treatment.
Benefits through anti-inflammatory properties
Various conditions are linked to inflammation, and the anti-inflammatory properties of hemp seeds help in the treatment of these conditions. The properties of hemp seeds in controlling inflammation are linked to the GLA (gamma linoleic acid), and benefits extend to patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and certain heart conditions. Additionally, the benefits of the anti-inflammatory properties extend to metabolic syndrome and certain liver ailment. Apart from the above, hemp seeds are also part of holistic treatment of patients with arthritis.
Benefits on skin conditions
Skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis and acne are attributed to inflammation. Hemp seeds when used as a part of treatment regimen help to mitigate the outcomes of the inflammation. In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties, the presence of the ideal balance of omega-3 and 6 in hemp seeds are also effective treating the skin conditions.
Benefits on joint pain and joints related conditions
Rheumatoid arthritis typically causes extreme discomfort in individuals suffering from the auto immune disorder. The inflammation of the joints, impacts mobility, and the ability to perform routines. Various medications are typically prescribed for the condition as part of treatment, including therapy. The use of hemp seeds as part of the treatment will help to significantly mitigate the discomfort, and the benefits are mainly attributed to the anti-inflammatory properties.
Hemp seeds side effects that cause apprehension among users
There are possible undesirable outcomes from the seeds, and it is important for users to be fully aware of the possible effects. This will help take suitable measures to either prevent or mitigate any adverse effects. The seeds, contrary to perception, are safe for most users and will not cause serious effects; however, it is important to consume the seeds only in limited or required quantities and avoid excessive consumption.
Amateur sports
Hemp seeds belong to the category of products that are not banned in sporting events. However, there is a high possibility of the seeds getting cross-contaminated during processing, wherein, substances that are banned may end up in the products, which may result in the user failing a dope test. It is essential to pick a reliable supplier, to avoid the possibility of consuming banned substances. Mandatory testing by sporting bodies also looks for THC content (more than 0.3 percent), and products that have high THC content could have potential effects on the career of sporting personalities. It is therefore essential to exercise utmost caution, to prevent the unfortunate possibilities. It is also a good idea to seek the opinion of sport nutrition specialists and consult board medical authorities before intake of any supplements.
Fat content
Hemp seeds when consumed in excess may result in increased fat in the body, that may have an adverse impact. It is therefore necessary to cut down on consumption, if there is a need to regulate fat intake. Additionally, increased fat intake may also result in the individual experiencing diarrhea, especially among individuals with low tolerance levels. Another possible reason could be the intake of hemp seeds in combination with other products that have high fat content.
Possible interactions with medications
Hemp seeds side effects also include the possibility of drug interactions with other medications or formulations. Conflicting mechanisms of action may interact with other medications or supplements, and it is necessary to be aware of possible adverse reactions. For instance, individuals on blood thinners/anticoagulants are advised to stay away from hemp seeds when on the medication.
Women with suckling infants
Possible effects of the seeds have been studied and documented to help users take suitable precautions. However, the effects of the seeds on pregnant women or mothers with suckling infants have not been studied adequately; and considering the possibility of unknown adverse effects, women are advised to avoid intake, till there is conclusive evidence of safety of the seeds on pregnant women and nursing mothers. This is especially important, as it involves the health of infants, mothers and the future health of new-born babies. A comparison of the desired outcomes of hemp seeds, and the criticality of the health of babies, it is necessary to attach more importance to the health of children, and avoid intake of hemp seeds till documented studies indicate safety.