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The role and function of bones in health and routine actions needs no introduction. While dietary intake of the right food may be adequate for receiving the necessary calcium, in a large number of individuals, it may be necessary to look at calcium supplements. The need for supplements to support and provide the recommended daily requirements, requires be pursued with diligence. The choice of supplements, the amount of calcium, and the type are various considerations that one needs to bear in mind.  Additionally, individuals need to be aware of calcium citrate side effects and take the right kind of measures to prevent or mitigate any undesirable effects. Here is a detailed look at supplements and possible unwanted effects.

Overview of calcium and proven benefits

Before we take a look at calcium citrate side effects here is a quick overview and the proven benefits of calcium. Most individuals associate calcium bone health alone, however, calcium has multiple vital functions that include supporting the heat, the muscles and the nerves. Studies have indicated its role in offering protection from cancer, and helping regulate blood pressure in addition to managing diabetes. Inadequate levels of calcium are associated with various health complications including, low bone mass in adults that could probably result in osteoporosis. Children who do note receive the right amounts of calcium may end up shorter than actual height that could have been achieved with the right balance of calcium.

The recommended daily dosage to avoid calcium citrate side effects

As mentioned above, the right amounts of calcium are vital for various functions. However, a significant percentage of individuals experiencing calcium citrate side effects has been attributed to excessive dosage. It is necessary to keep the intake of supplements within the recommended daily limits that is determined by the age of the individual and the gender. Men above the age of 18, till the age of seventy are recommended 1000 mg per day, Males above the seventy are recommended a higher intake of 1200 mg per day to meet the additional requirements and the inability of the body to receive the right amounts from dietary intake. Women above the age eighteen and below the age of fifty are recommended a daily intake of 1000 m per day. Women above the age of fifty are advised a higher intake of 1200 mg per day to meet the additional requirements. In certain instances, it may be necessary for individuals to take a higher dosage. However, to avoid calcium citrate side effects, there are laid down upper limits that will help prevent undesirable effects. The upper limit for all adults between the ages of nineteen and fifty is 2500 mg per day, while the upper limit for all adults above fifty years is 2000 mg per day.

Natural sources of calcium

Complete awareness of the sources of calcium will help individuals beat calcium citrate side effects consuming the right food products. The human body does not produce calcium, and the only way to provide the body with calcium is through dietary sources. The best sources of calcium in regular diet include dairy products, for instance yoghurt and cheese, milk is considered as rich sources of calcium.  Fish species with soft bones that can be chewed easily are known to be the ideal aquatic sources of calcium. For instance, salmon and sardines are considered as rich in calcium. Vegetables with the distinct dark leafy appearance are among the rich sources of calcium. For instance, kale and broccoli are regarded as rich sources of calcium.

Individuals who are unable to receive adequate amount of calcium, may consider taking food products that are fortified with calcium. For instance, certain soy products, milk products, special fruit juices and cereal are fortified with calcium, and can be a good source of intake. Calcium absorption into the body is not possible without the right amounts of vitamin D, it is therefore necessary to choose food products that deliver the required levels of vitamin D. The recommended daily average intake of vitamin D is 600 IU per day for adults, with differences in required levels among other categories. The best source is unquestionably, exposure to the mild rays of the sun. Other sources of vitamin D include salmon and the yolk of eggs, apart from fortified food products.

Individuals in need of calcium supplements

As we proceed to look into calcium citrate side effects, it is necessary to understand the categories of individuals with a need for calcium supplements. This will help identify individuals who are more prone to the risk of calcium citrate side effects. Despite an apparently balanced diet, categories of individuals may not receive the required intake of calcium from food sources. For instance, individuals who stick to a strictly vegetarian diet may sometimes finds that the calcium levels are lesser than desired. People with lactose intolerance may not be in a position to consume adequate dairy products and this may, in turn have an effect on the amount of calcium that is received through dietary sources.

Individuals who consume excessive amounts of protein or sodium through dietary modifications or supplements may find that this has an impact on the calcium levels in the body, as calcium is typically flushed out when the body has high levels of protein and sodium. Patients on medications that include corticosteroids are also at risk of having lower calcium levels. Finally, patients diagnosed with certain ailments of the stomach, including bowel diseases and digestive diseases may end up with lower calcium levels. This is mainly as a result of the body’s inability to absorb adequate calcium when afflicted with these conditions. This includes celiac disease and patients with inflammatory bowel conditions.

Common reasons for lower calcium levels in individuals

Patients diagnosed with reduced calcium levels typically attribute the condition to various factors that include improper diet and inability to absorb calcium. For instance, patients with certain eating disorders may be unable to receive adequate levels of calcium intake. Similarly, allergies or intolerances to specific food products are also known to be reasons for lower calcium intake. As mentioned above, health conditions, and a lack of desire to eat the right food can also cause reduced calcium levels. Patients who have undergone certain procedures such as weight loss surgery, including gastric bypass procedure may have reduced absorption of calcium in the body. Finally, intestinal malabsorption is regarded as a reason for lower calcium levels, apart from patients with leaky gut syndrome.  Individuals who smoke, consume alcohol, or intake higher quantities of soda, are also at risk of lowered calcium intake in the body.

Commonly reported calcium citrate side effects

Undesirable effects are not uncommon and without exceptions, all medications and supplements are known to trigger unwanted side effects. Certain effects are mild and moderate in nature, while some are serious and may require some kind of medical intervention to mitigate the condition. Awareness of the possible side effects and the best methods to prevent or mitigate the same are always the best method of handling outcomes that are not expected. Commonly reported calcium citrate side effects  include allergic reactions that may manifest among certain individuals. For instance, the individual may experience some kind of difficulty in breathing, while others may experience swelling in the face. Another possible condition is the onset of hives as a reaction to the supplement; however, this is not common in occurrence.

Other calcium citrate side effects include the possibility of an upset stomach or issues with digestion. Individuals on the supplements are likely to end up with constipation that may or may not require medication to resolve. Calcium citrate side effects that are regarded as serious include the possibility of pain in the bone that is not attributed to other conditions or effects. Individuals may experience an increase in thirst for no apparent reason, while in others there is the possibility of an abnormal increase in the amount of urine passed or the frequency. Contrastingly, there is also the possibility of a decrease in urination, or a decrease in the amount of urine passed.  Individuals on the supplements may sometimes feel confused for no apparent reason, and this indicates side effects that require medical intervention. In addition to the above, individuals may experience swelling in parts of the body, without any attributable reason. Bouts of nausea or vomiting are also possible indications of calcium citrate side effects.

Calcium citrate side effects : individuals classified as high risk

While the possibility of calcium citrate side effects is common to all, certain individuals are at risk of elevated exposure to side effects. For, instance, patients with a history of kidney ailments or stones in the kidneys need specific recommendations from the treating specialist regarding calcium supplement intake. Similarly, patients with high levels of calcium in the blood are also advised to expert medical  opinion prior to intake of supplements. Patients diagnosed with parathyroid gland disorder or cancer require medical evaluation and recommendations to avoid calcium citrate side effects. Excessive intake of supplements may result in the formation of colon polyps or in kidney stones. In certain instances, there are reports of a hardening of the arteries. The best option in such instances, is to avoid supplements and rely on  natural sources of calcium.

Caution to be exercised in choosing and using supplements

Supplements are often chosen or picked up without any form of checking about the contents. It is necessary to exercise total caution while choosing calcium supplements to avoid calcium citrate side effects. The manufacturing process includes the use of a filler which technically means that the amount of calcium may be lesser than imagined. It is also necessary to choose a supplement that fully dissolves,  and to avoid supplements that may contain toxic ingredients, including lead, dolomite, or bone meal. There is also the possibility of supplements containing oyster shells that are not refined, apart from coral. Choose the right product to avoid contamination issues.

Individuals on prescription medications are advised to stagger the timings of the intake of the medications. This will avoid conflict or possible drug interactions. This includes OTC products and other herbal supplements or natural remedies. Certain medications, including thyroid medication such as levothyroxine, and antibiotics may also result in interactions if taken together.  Among supplements, iron and zinc supplements are known trigger calcium citrate side effects or drug interactions. Hence, it is always a good idea to stagger the timings accordingly.