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In the US around 40 percent of adults reportedly experience vertigo atleast once during their entire lifetime. The condition is known to impact ladies more than men and it can effectively bring to a halt certain routine activities. This is in addition to making the individual feel sick when experiencing vertigo. Medications are available for treating vertigo, however, simple techniques and methods can sometimes help tackle the issue equally effectively. Here are simple tips on how to get rid of vertigo without having to experience any kind of side effects.

What is vertigo and what kind of sensations are experienced?

Before we look at tips on how to get rid of vertigo, it is necessary to understand little more about the condition and the symptoms that are typically experienced when one has vertigo. The dizzy feeling, accompanied by a sensation of spinning, despite not indulging in any activity or movement is called vertigo. The condition occurs when the brain receives stimuli or inputs that the body is not in balance, despite the contrary. The brain typically receives inputs about the balance of the body and this is used to help the individual maintain control over the body and actions. When the wrong inputs make the brain believe that the body is imbalanced, when it is not, is effectively called vertigo.

Best technique to immediately counter vertigo

The best technique to instantly counter vertigo is to take a seated position and arrest the chances of injury. Vertigo is attributed to possible underlying conditions and in a large number of individuals, it could be a one-off experience, while for others it could be recurring. Therefore, depending on the frequency of occurrence it is necessary to look at suitable remedial measures and tips on how to get rid of vertigo. Suitable treatment methodologies will depend entirely on the underlying cause for vertigo. Medications that are generally prescribed for the condition are known to offer relief from the commonly reported symptoms, that includes motion sickness, nausea and the dizzy sensation of vertigo.

Symptoms that indicate vertigo

As we begin to look at tips on how to get rid of vertigo let us understand a few symptoms about vertigo. The first noticeable symptoms are nausea, slight alterations in hearing abilities, and possible nausea. Vomiting sensations are fairly common among individuals who experience nausea, while some experience eye movements that are out of the ordinary. Headaches accompanied by sweating are other symptoms that are commonly associated with the condition. Individuals with vertigo feel that the whole world ahead of them is spinning, despite being seated, with a ringing sensation in the ears. The inability to co-ordinate limb movements properly, is further compounded by possible double vision and a general weakness of flabby feeling in the arms and legs.

Reasons that are attribute to vertigo

The reasons that are commonly attributed to vertigo include a condition that is known is benign positional paroxysmal vertigo, which refers to deposits in the inner ear of the patient.

As a result of this, the individual experiences an inability to balance himself or herself properly. The body’s balance is coordinated by the inner ear and the deposits affect the ability to balance oneself. This condition is known to be common among a significant percentage of the population in terms of occurrence atleast once during the lifetime. Before we look at how to get rid of vertigo let us take a quick glance at other conditions that are also known to cause vertigo.

For instance, inflammation in the ear can also cause vertigo and this s attributed to the common cold that can result in ear inflammation. This type of vertigo is known to naturally resolve once the cold or the inflammation subsides. Stroke is another reason for vertigo. Experts opine that individuals suffering from a stroke are likely to experience symptoms of vertigo such as dizziness and imbalance. Similarly, individuals with Meniere’s disease also experience vertigo symptoms. The condition impacts hearing in one ear, and triggers symptoms that include a full feeling in the ear, or a ringing sensation in the ears, apart from a loss of hearing. This condition can sometimes be severe in nature with individuals known to experience falls. Individuals with injuries are also known to suffer from vertigo symptoms –such as head injuries/neck injuries. While the injuries may heal and patient have a full recovery, some of the persisting symptoms could include vertigo. Another reason for vertigo is a condition that affects the vestibulochochlear nerve. The ability to balance and position the head is controlled by this nerve in the inner ear which receives signals from the brain. Known as vestibular neuritis (VN), the condition occurs when the nerve undergoes inflammation, resulting in wrong interpretation of balance and positioning of the head.

Four effective techniques for treating the condition

Among the tips on how to get rid of vertigo the following four techniques are regarded as effective and simple.

What is the Epley Maneuver?

Among the various techniques that are generally recommended for individuals who experience the spinning sensations, four different techniques are regarded as effective. The Epley Maneuver is typically used when the feeling is from the left ear and proceeds to the right ear. To begin with, position a pillow on the bed so that when you lie down the pillow rests between the shoulders and not beneath the head. The maneuver involves sitting on the edge of the bed and turning the head around 45 degrees to the left. For a point of reference, if you turn your head fully to the left shoulder, that is effectively 90 degrees, therefore you need to turn your head only halfway before your shoulder. Now, lie down on your back in the same 45 degrees angle with the pillow under the shoulders. Hold the position for half a minute. Now continue the same by turning your head to the right to the same degree, and hold position for half a minute. Move up from the resting position and adopt a sitting position for a few minutes. This maneuver can be performed by reversing the direction, if the vertigo sensation is from the right ear. This routine needs to be performed thrice a day before going to sleep and this will help keep you free for the day.

What is the Half-Somersault/Foster meneuver?

This is another technique that is relatively easier to undertake. First, kneel and lift your head so as to look up at the ceiling. Remain in this position for a couple of seconds. Slowly bend yourself forward and pull your chin towards your chest, so that your head moves towards the knees, and touches the floor. Hold this position for around thirty seconds. Slowly turn your head in the direction of the ear from where you experienced the dizziness. Hold this position for half a minute. With your head turned in that position, slowly raise your upper torso, so that your head is now level with your back. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Next, while holding the head in the same direction, raise your head to a fully upright position and stand up. This needs to be repeated a couple of times with a gap of twenty minutes in between each round.

What is the Semont Maneuver?

The third of the exercises for managing dizziness when it starts from the left ear, the Semont Maneuver is another simple and effective technique. First, sit on the edge of the bed and turn your head to your right by around 45 degrees. With your head in the same position, lie down on your left side and remain in the position for around half a minute. Adopt the same position at another end of the bed, so that you can see the floor from the bed, and hold this position for half a minute. Slowly raise yourself to a seated position and after a couple of minutes, repeat the same procedure for the right ear. These moves are to be performed a couple a times daily to keep yourself free from vertigo for a full day.

What is the Brandt-Daroff technique?

The final technique in the list of four is the Brandt-Daroff method that begins with you taking an upright, seated position on the bed. Turn your head in the same 45 degree angle as seen in the earlier maneuvers, in the direction of the side opposite from where your vertigo started. Now lower yourself into a lying down position with the head int the same 45 degree angle. Hold this position for around half a minute and go back to the seated position. Repeat the procedure by reversing the side, and follow the same timing. This movement typically needs to be repeated a couple of times daily, till the time that you stop experiencing vertigo for two days. At times it may be necessary to perform this routine for as long as two weeks.

Other home remedies – how to get rid of vertigo

In addition to the above techniques, the following home remedies are considered as effective for treating the condition naturally at home. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the tips on how to get rid of vertigo will depend on the underlying cause for the condition.

#1 Ginger tea

Among the tips on how to get rid of vertigo through natural means, the use of ginger tea is recognised as an effective option. The root of ginger is to be boiled in water for five minutes, following, honey can be added to the brew and this is to be consumed twice a day to deal with the symptoms.

#2 Ginkgo biloba

The use of the Chinese herb for treating vertigo is a part of recorded history. It is known to help restore the balance of blood flow to the brain and this in turn helps deal with common symptoms of vertigo.

#3 Essential oils

The use of essential oils such as ginger, lavender, peppermint and lemon, either by inhalation or by topical application is known to have an effect on various symptoms. This includes nausea, headaches and dizzy sensations commonly experienced in vertigo.

#4 Adequate hydration

One of the reasons for vertigo is dehydration and it is necessary to ensure that the body receives adequate hydration to combat the condition. Ideally, it is essential to ensure that an adult drinks as much as 12 cups of some fluid every day. Though the broad meaning of fluids includes all kinds of liquids/beverages, the healthiest option is to give the body more water as it offers multiple benefits.

#5 Steroidal medication

The final tips on how to get rid of vertigo includes the use of steroidal medications that help treat ear inflammation. Other medications include water pills that help to fight the buildup of fluid which has been known to cause vertigo symptoms.