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The times we are living presently are often very distracting and are often stressful. Owing to an excessive level of such distractions, we witness the onset of many neurological ailments. One such condition is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It manifests in the form of restlessness, inability to stay focused or acting in an impulsive manner. It may also show up in one’s inability to control emotions or feelings. Your genetic make-up is considered to play a major role in the incidence of ADHD. Though it mainly affects children, some adults may also have it. Treatment of ADHD includes making changes to your lifestyle, counseling as well as intake of medications. Vyvanse is a drug administered for the treatment of ADHD; it is used in children 6 years or above, and among adults aged upto 60 years. This drug may pose a few risks in the form of adverse side effects. Talk to your treating physician to know about the risks involved.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition which can make you excessively active and restless. If you find it difficult to concentrate or stay focused for long, you may have this mental condition. Another key sign is when you interrupt while others are speaking. A few other signs include inability to wait, difficulties in completing tasks assigned to you, tending to be impulsive, etc. As you get older, these signs may tend to go away. However, traces of the childhood habits – such as being impatient or forgetting things may continue during adulthood. An impatient or hyperactive adult is likely to have problems with colleagues and her / his family members. Such adults may also suffer from inability to maintain good relationships with others, may have serious problems in managing their schedules and timelines.

Clinical studies indicate a drop in dopamine as a possible reason for the incidence of mental conditions like ADHD. A few other researches reveal a reduced presence of gray-matter as a reason. As gray-matter plays a key role in muscular control, taking decisions as well as speech function, inadequacy of such matter is attributed as a main factor. Studies are underway to check for a connection between presence of smoking habits while being pregnant and the incidence of ADHD.

Vyvanse – whose generic equivalent is known as lisdexamfetamine – is a drug used for the enhancement of your ability to focus, control fidgeting as well as to stay more attentive. In some cases, this drug has also been use to control binge-eating disorders. However, it is not used as an anti-obesity drug. Vyvanse works to strike the right balance of a few brain-chemicals. These chemicals play a vital role in transmitting neuro signals from your brain.

Side effects of vyvanse

You need to stay aware that a long term use of vyvanse can lead to an addiction. Also, if you take it for very long, your body may turn tolerant to the drug’s ingredients; as a result, you may not witness any change in restlessness or inability to stay focused. Vyvanse is known to trigger a few other adverse side effects. Commonly experienced side effects are difficulties to pass stool, abdominal problems such as nausea or vomiting, a marked change (drop) in appetite, loss of body weight, feeling dizzy, etc. Other such adverse reactions include spells of excessive sweating, insomnia or other sleeping disorders. Most of these adverse signs are likely to disappear after a few days; however, if you do experience these discomforts for long, you need to talk to your treating physician immediately.

A few common side effects of vyvanse

You may feel dehydrated or notice drying of lips soon after starting your medical plan. You are advised to take adequate amounts of water or other fluids to stop other serious outcomes associated with dehydration. It is also highly recommended to check blood pressure levels in a routine manner; such checks are needed as vyvanse is known to increase your blood pressure levels. Upon experiencing persistent spells of hypertension (or higher blood pressure), you need to report to you doctor immediately. Needful substitutes or changes in the strength of vyvanse are prescribed; in some extreme cases of hypertension, your physician may prescribe antihypertensive meds.

Allergies and hypersensitivity

Vyvanse may enhance the level of serotonin; this can often lead to an acute condition called serotonin toxicity or syndrome. Hence, if your existing medication plan includes drugs to boost serotonin levels, you are at an added risk of such toxicity. Such toxicity may manifest in the form of weird dreams, acute spells of drowsiness, indigestion, diarrhea or nausea.

If you are allergic to vyvanse, you need to inform the medical team prior to starting the dosage plan. Allergies triggered by vyvanse may show up as inflammation of oral organs like tongue or lips, respiratory problems – such as gasping or rashes on skin. In some people, allergies may trigger severe spells of itchiness or drowsiness. Upon noticing any of these adverse reactions, it is strongly recommended to call 911 as soon as possible, or contact the nearest poison control center on an emergency basis.

Serious side effects of vyvanse

Vyvanse is not likely to trigger any major side effects. But, in very rare instances, you may experience some adverse discomforts; these include – mood shifts (depression, aggressive behaviors, suicidal instincts or desire to hurt oneself or others), blurring of eyesight, rapid heartbeats, involuntary twitching of muscles, etc. In some very remote circumstances, you may witness reduced flow of blood to your limbs (this can be detected by its characteristic symptoms such as discoloration of toes or fingers, numbing sensation or chills) or changes in levels of libido (sexual drive).

Some serious side effects include breathing problems or feeling suffocated, slurring of speech, being in a confused state of mind, passing out, etc. In all such instances you are advised to seek medical attention as quickly as possible. Delay in dispensing needful medical care may lead to near-fatal or, at times, fatal outcomes.

Safer use of vyvanse to avoid major side effects

It is important to share your medical history as well as your family’s clinical history and prior ailments with your physician. You also need to share details about prior allergies triggered by drugs belonging to the family of meds called amphetamines. If you have experienced prior conditions such as mood shifts, depression or psychosis, etc., the treating doctor needs to be aware of such ailments. People living with cardiac conditions – including, myocardial infarction, valve-related issues, etc., need to share more details about such disorders. Apart from the above, disorders such as a hyperactive thyroid gland, convulsions or epileptic fits, renal dysfunction, substance abuse, etc. also need to be shared with your medical team.

Vyvanse is likely to make you feel drowsy and dizzy. You must tell about your medical plan (involving the intake of vyvanse) if you are planning to undergo a surgery or a dental procedure. This precaution will help avoid passing into deep stages of unconsciousness while observing anesthetic protocols before a surgery or dental intervention. Moreover, if you have habits like regular intake of alcohol or intoxicants like cannabis / marijuana, you need to talk to your physician about such habits. Your doctor will recommend you to reduce or completely stop using intoxicating drugs. Also, you are advised not to engage in activities that may require high level of metal agility. For example, you must not operate heavy machines or drive.

Administration of vyvanse to younger adults, pregnant and breastfeeding women

Children or younger adults (especially, adolescents) are likely to be more hypersensitive to the intake of vyvanse. Most common side effects among younger adults include a likely loss of body weight; this indicates a possible loss or obstacles posed to the overall development of the child. This is a main reason why physicians recommend frequent breaks in the intake of vyvanse; a continuous dosage plan is more likely to lead to such developmental problems among children.

Women who are pregnant must be extremely careful while using this drug, especially during the advanced stages of their pregnancy. Mother who frequently used this drug may deliver underweight babies and may also deliver in an untimely manner – i.e., prematurely born babies. Also, infants born to mothers who took vyvanse may develop signs such as being restless or in an agitated frame of mind, persistent spells of weariness as well as other withdrawal symptoms. For a similar reason, women who are breastfeeding their infant must not take vyvanse. As this drug may pass through the breastmilk, babies may often develop feeding problems, incessant crying or mood changes. So, women who are pregnant as well as those who are breastfeeding must talk to their physician before starting a dose of vyvanse.

In sum, vyvanse can trigger some adverse side effects. A few such side effects include abdominal disorders such as nausea, drop in appetite, difficulties to pass stools, decrease in bodyweight, tiredness, fever, dizziness, drowsiness, etc. You may also experience sleeping disorders, profuse sweating, etc. These adverse side effects will disappear after some days, once your body gets used to this drug. But, if these discomforts persist for long, you need to consult your treating doctor without any further delay. You need to remember that the aforesaid adverse reactions, allergies and side effects of vyvanse do not represent a complete list of all discomforts. Hence, it is possible to experience unknown side effects or new allergies; in all such instances, you are advised to talk to your treating doctor without any delay. Upon experiencing acute side effects – such as itchiness, respiratory problems, passing out, swelling of face or lips, tongue, etc. – you can call 911 or contact the nearest poison control center. If you are a resident of Canada, talk to Health Canada on an emergency basis to get needful and timely medical attention.