Benzodiazepines are drugs used for the treatment of stressful conditions such as anxieties. These meds are administered for treating panic attacks, restlessness, sleeplessness, etc. Drugs of the benzodiazepines class work on the receptors in your nervous system and brain; through such actions, these meds bring about a calming effect to your system. Of such drugs, clonazepam is a widely used med for controlling restlessness and anxieties. What are the differences between clonazepam and clonidine? It helps to have added information about this.
Mental problems such as nervousness and turning restless can leave a bigger impact on your overall wellbeing. You tend to eat less, sleep inadequately and may remain unhappy (depressed) when you are under stress. Good news is – US-based med authorising body, the food & drug administration has cleared some drugs for treating abovementioned mental conditions. Of such meds, clonazepam is a popular drug.
So, what is clonazepam?
This med is use for calming the signs of anxieties, manic spells, convulsions and seizures. This med is a first-line medication for fits; this however is not administered for the long term. It is also used for managing epileptic seizures among kids. As additional uses, clonazepam is taken for restless legs syndrome, episodes of fear psychosis, etc.
As clonazepam has a relatively longer half-life, you may tend to feel a few adverse effects like dizziness, migraines, being sluggish, etc. In some one-off instances, this drug has caused a few mental conditions like self-harming thoughts or suicidal instincts.
What is clonidine?
This medication is used for treating conditions such as ADHD. You can buy it either as a skin-patch or a tablet (orally administered). Tablets are also made in extended-release forms. One of the popular brands in this class is Kapvay. You can also procure a generic version of clonidine, at relatively lower prices. The caveat however is – its generic equivalent is not made all strengths i.e., as compared to the branded form. You need to know that this med is grouped under centrally acting alpha agonist drugs.
The key ingredients of clonidine aid in streamlining your span of attention and also moderate emotions. As an added benefit, the drug can decrease blood pressure by calming your blood vessels. All these activities extend relief from typical symptoms of ADHD.
What are the differences between clonazepam and clonidine?
The main difference is clonazepam belongs to a class of meds called benzodiazepines; on the other hand, clonidine is a centrally-acting alpha-agonist med. Clonazepam is administered to treat panic attacks and a few forms of seizures. But clonidine is widely prescribed for treating symptoms of ADHD, spells of hypertension, etc.
Clonidine is sold as oral pills, as an injectable, and as a transdermal patch. The extended-release version of clonidine is quite popular. However, clonazepam is available only as an oral pill. Side effects of clonidine include hypotension (a drop in blood pressure reading), being in sedation for long, pain in upper abdominal tract, etc. Clonazepam may cause dizziness for a fairly longer time; this is mainly due to its stretched half-life.
The half-life of clonidine hovers at 15 – 15.5 hours; half-life of clonazepam ranges at 40 – 41 hours. A major similarity is – both these meds are available in their generic form. This is good news for the uninsured and those who find the branded forms unaffordable. Both drugs are not over the counter meds. Hence, you are advised to use these drugs under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner.
Upon witnessing adverse effects – especially persistent spells of dizziness or drowsiness, it is highly recommended to consult with your doctor immediately. You may also call 911 (if you are in US) or Health Canada (those who live in Canada). If no assistance is available soon, rush to a local poison control cell without any further delay.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.