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Lungs have small air bags known as alveoli. Pneumonia caused inflammation of the lungs by adversely impacting these bags. This condition is triggered by a bacterial strand or a viral attack. Those with living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), conditions such as fibrosis or a compromised immunity are more likely to experience it. Pneumonia shows up in 4 distinctive stages. It becomes essential to know the varying stages of this lung condition.

Diagnosis of pneumonia is a difficult process; it may involve a careful examination of your respiratory process, screening your chest with x-rays or through a few lab tests. Your treating doctor will want to understand the discomforts your encounter, in greater detail. The signs and severity of lung condition influence your treatment. Those who have it owing to a bacterial spread are administered with antibiotics or antibacterial meds. In case of an acute spell of pneumonia – which shows up as difficulties to inhale / exhale – it is essential to seek medical support in a healthcare setting on an urgent mode.

Shots are available for the prevention of this respiratory condition. Shots are more effective against a strand called Streptococcus pneumoniae. Your caregiving team will advise you to adhere to hand washing protocols as well as social distancing. It may be dangerous to smoke tobacco or related products. It is equally safe to stay away from smokers or places such as smoking zones. More than 400 million people all over the globe are affected by pneumonia each year. This translates to more than 7.5% of the world’s population.

The 4 stages of pneumonia

One of the forms of bacteria-triggered pneumonia is lobar pneumonia. This is known to affect a few sections called as lobes of lungs. It shows up in four unique stages. These are-

Stage 1 – Congestion

This shows up soon after the onset of the bacterial infection. Studies show that the stage manifests in less than 24 hours from the time of being infection. This occurs when the bacterial spread in your lungs outnumbers the while cells in your blood. As a result, your lungs may go red owing to an increased flow of blood. This stage is also accompanied by internal swelling / inflammation of tissues of lungs.

Stage 2 – Red hetalisation

This is the next stage of infection; it is found to occur after 2 to 3 days. This is likely to last for 72 to 96 hours. Here, the infected lung goes dry as well as air-free. Your lungs may soon start resembling the tissues of liver. This process is called hepatisation. At the end of this stage, bacteria, debris of cells as well as blood cells (red and white alike) cause obstacles to the airways of your lungs.

Stage 3 – Grey hetalisation

This phase can show up on the 5th or 6th day of infection. Your lungs may remain in this stage for upto 7 days / 1 week. From being reddened, your lungs turn grey and resembles with liver continues at this stage as well. Also, red cells of your blood as well as fibrin (at times, hemosiderin) come together to form a fluid. At the end of this, fairly big sized white cells – called as macrophage – are observed in sizable numbers.

Stage 4 – Resolution

This is the recovery phase and is the final stage of this lung condition. You can cough the debris up. Debris may contain fluids as well as items produced as a result of cell-level destruction. The air bags / sacs and lungs return to a normal shape and proportion.

Last but not least, if you are witnessing yellowish or green phlegm, and are also having breathing difficulties – it is a wise thing to check for the incidence of pneumonia. Above all, upon observing one or more of the typical signs – mentioned above, seek medical help from a qualified clinical practitioner.