Microbial attacks can be life threatening if left untreated. Microorganisms such as bacteria may spread quite fast when no treatment is offered. However, not all types of bacteria cause harm; most of them are harmless and a few strands also help in activities such as digestion. However, some microbes may turn menacing when they multiply in larger proportion. Antibiotics are drugs that are commonly used for the treatment of bacterial infections. Of the many types of antibacterial meds, broad-spectrum antibiotics belonging to the cephalosporin genre are widely prescribed. Cefadroxil is a drug forming part of this genre. It is essential to know about needful precautions prior to starting your treatment.
Cefadroxil is categorized under a class of meds known as cephalosporin antibiotics. The key function of this drug is to halt the spread of bacteria by arresting further growth. This antibiotic drug belongs to the broad-spectrum genre of antibacterial meds; this means they can work against a large range of infections. Its use is recommended to people who have prior or known allergies to penicillin-based drugs, and also have a few cardiac conditions such as arrhythmia, etc.
Safe use of cefadroxil
You need to know that the administration of cefadroxil is not recommended for treating viral or fungal infections. So, if you have a flu-type of infection, rhinitis, runny nose or a sore throat, it is not a good idea to take this antibiotic med. Moreover, this is not an over the counter drug; hence, you are advised to take it under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner. Given the broad-spectrum nature of this med, it can treat infections of oral parts, skin, nose and urinary tract.
Cefadroxil is sold through online pharmacies as well as drugstores. It is also available in various other forms such as a liquid suspension, capsule as well as a pill / tablet form. Most people with bacterial infections are prescribed with a single dose per day. Dosages are taken through the oral route. You can take it with or without food; however, if you are developing abdominal conditions such as nausea or other adverse side effects, it is safe to take it along with a meal. Your dosage plan is influenced by your medical condition, age and prior ailments / infections, if any. In case of an acute infection, dosages are increased to twice per day.
Precautions needed prior to taking cefadroxil
As an important precaution, never use this drug for treating bacterial infections among women who are already pregnant. It is safe to keep away from this drug at all stages of pregnancy. As its adverse impact on fetus is not fully studied, its use stands restricted. It is also essential to update your caregiver of your pregnancy plans or if you are already pregnant. Women planning for pregnancy are advised to use needful non-hormonal contraceptives like skin patches, vaginal rings, etc. In general, it is a good practice to take the advice of your caregiver on the type of contraceptive that suits you best.
An equally important precaution is for women who are breastfeeding or those who are nursing their newly born baby. Mothers who are breastfeeding must know that active chemicals of this drug are likely to enter breastmilk. Babies who consume such milk can witness adverse reactions like incessant crying, feeding troubles as well as sleeping difficulties.
What happens when you take an enhanced dosage of cefadroxil?
Some users – in their enthusiasm to achieve faster relief from infections – may take larger dosages of cefadroxil. It is a harmful practice to resort to such practices without telling their doctor. Those who took a larger dose of this cephalosporin antibiotic witnessed severe side effects such as epileptic seizures, respiratory troubles including panting, gasping or wheezing, loss of coordination or becoming unconscious. If you have taken a larger (than prescribed) dose of cefadroxil, immediately dial 911 (in US) or call Health Canada (in Canada).
Presence of intestinal problems such as ulcers and intake of cefadroxil
It is essential to share details about prior clinical conditions and ailments with your treating physician. People living with discomforts like indigestion are advised to take cefadroxil with food. If you have stomach conditions or infections in the gastric channel, your caregiver must stay updated of all needful details such as intensity of these conditions, how long such conditions persist, etc. Also, if you have an enlarged colon or an internal swelling of the large intestine (called colitis), tell your doctor about such conditions. Prior ailments such as kidney problems (showing up as discoloration of urine, change in urinary output or painful spells of urination) can worsen when you take antibiotics of the cephalosporin genre.
Fast action of cefadroxil and needful precautions
The active ingredients of cefadroxil act in a fast manner. You may hence see an almost immediate relief from infections in the first few days of starting the doses. Encouraged by these initial symptoms of relief, users may tend to discontinue the intake of cefadroxil. This is a harmful thing to do. Discontinuation of dosages midway leads to re-emergence of infections. It is highly recommended to continue your medication plan till your physician advises you to discontinue the plan.
Needful precautions to avoid risks of adverse drug interactions
Foremost of all, inform your doctor of prior allergies or hypersensitivity to meds categorized as cephalosporin antibiotic drugs. Moreover, those who are consuming cephalosporin antibiotics must keep their doctor informed of such existing dosage plans. As an overarching safety measure, share a list of drugs you presently take. In this list, add all types of meds you currently consume – i.e., over the counter meds, prescription drugs, protein or vitamin supplements, dietary supplements or herbal drugs. Never make changes to this list without telling your caregiving team.
In sum, cefadroxil is a cephalosporin antibiotic med. As this med is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it has multiple usages namely, treatment of infections of nasal tract, skin related microbial infections as well as a few dental / oral conditions. It is not administered onto pregnant women as well as those who are nursing newly born infants. Also, those who have gastric ailments such as ulcers, colitis, etc. must keep away from using this med. In order to know more about the precautions to be taken prior to consuming cefadroxil, it is a good practice to seek guidance from your caregiver.