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Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are often misleading. They may be similar to signs of a few other clinical conditions such as thrushes or a fungal infection. Misled by some of these signs, a few women may take antifungal medications. But, such meds are unlikely to yield any positive results. In some cases, intake of these drugs may worsen the bacterial infection. It is a safe practice to consult with a qualified medical specialist to confirm the type of infection. In this milieu, antibiotic drugs like tinidazole are widely used. What are the precautions needed before starting to take this drug? It is a wise thing to know more on such precautions.

Infections in the vaginal tract are a common condition among women. It was initially considered as an outcome of menopause. But, studies reveal that an excessive growth of bacteria in the vaginal tract is likely to lead to this infection. Antibiotic meds like tinidazole are widely administered for treating vaginal infections, clinically labelled as bacterial vaginosis. Tinidazole is categorized under a family of drugs called antibiotics.

Use of tinidazole for bacterial infections

Dosages of tinidazole are administered for stopping further growth of harmful / infection-causing bacterial strands. This drug features as one of the popular meds for treating bacterial vaginosis, or other types of infections in your vaginal tract. Not stopping with vaginal infections, this med is also used for halting infections triggered by parasites and other harmful microbes.

The main capability of active ingredients of tinidazole is to halt the further multiplication / reproduction of harmful bacteria. Tinidazole is not an over the counter (OTC) drug; it needs to be taken as per the instructions of a medical doctor. Never take this med when there are no infections; such practices may build internal resistance and may make the drug turn powerless. Also, this drug is never taken to treat infections caused by viruses or fungi. Upon sensing characteristic signs of a fungal or viral infection – such as common cold, flu type of condition, runny nose, etc., talk to your doctor immediately and take needful treatment.

Precautions associated with the intake of tinidazole

It becomes important to tell your caregiving team of any prior allergies or hypersensitivity to antibiotic meds. Also, if you are already taking any other such antimicrobial meds, your doctor needs to be made fully aware of it. It is equally essential to tell your treating physician about blood cells related disorders (such as anemia, etc.), renal problems which require dialysis, hepatic conditions like cirrhosis or inflammation of liver.

The key chemicals of tinidazole can make you drowsy or dizzy. If you have drinking habit, you are advised to discontinue such habits during your medication plan. Stay aware of potential alcohol content in cough and cold medications; you are advised to share details about all the drugs you are currently taking. In general, stay away from driving, operating heavy machinery or performing tasks that may demand a high level of mental attention. It is unsafe to pursue adventurous activities such as skiing, jumping or skating after taking this drug. Also, if you are planning to opt for a surgical intervention or dental procedure, your caregiving team must know of your intake of tinidazole. It is a safe practice to discontinue intake of this drug for at least 14 days prior to the date of surgery.

As a safety measure, your doctor may restrict dosages of this antibiotic drug to a single dose each day. Each dose is consumed either with food or without it. If you are developing conditions such as nausea, vomiting or other problems, your physician may advise you to take it with food. Always remember that your doctor has prescribed this drug as its benefits far exceed the risks of side effects.

Also, no two women with vaginal infections are advised to pursue the same treatment plan. Your dosage plan depends on a host of factors; your age, severity of underlying bacterial infection and prior ailments, if any are understood before prescribing your dosages. For children aged above 12 years or teens, strength of dosages of tinidazole is dependent on your child’s weight. However, you are advised to follow all the instructions of your child’s doctor (pediatrician) prior to using this med onto your child.

Other safety precautions

It is not a safe practice for women who are nursing a newly born infant to take tinidazole. This is mainly because of the likely entry of key ingredients of this med into mother’s milk or breastmilk. It is considered safe to talk to your doctor about breastfeeding and how safe is to use tinidazole. Infants who are fed with milk having traces of tinidazole developed sleeping difficulties, feeding troubles and breathing ailments like panting or wheezing.

Tell your doctor if you are living with other conditions such as internal ulcers, bleeding or bruising. Women who are already pregnant must inform their doctor of their present condition. It is unsafe to take this antibiotic while you are pregnant. Very limited evidence exists on how fetal health is impacted by the key chemicals of tinidazole. On the other hand, women who are aiming to get pregnant must talk to their treating doctor about needful precautions. It is highly recommended to use a non-hormonal birth control method like vaginal rings or skin patches. But, prior to choosing a contraceptive, take needful advice of your doctor; it is safer to go with the choice of your caregiver on contraceptives / birth control techniques.

In sum, tinidazole is prescribed to arrest the progression of bacterial strands that cause infections such as bacterial vaginosis. It is equally useful for stopping parasitical and microbial infections. Your caregiver must know if you are living with conditions such as anemia (or other blood cell count related problems), kidney problems or if you are undergoing dialysis or have conditions like hepatitis or other forms of internal swelling. As the drug can make you dizzy, do not mix it with alcohol or other drinks that may contain intoxicants. It is unsafe for women who are pregnant and also for those who are breastfeeding a newly born baby. You are advised to consult with your treating doctor to know about precautions required prior to starting your treatment plan.