Bacterial infections may spread in several ways. A strand of bacteria known as chlamydia trachomatis (in short, C. trachomatis) can spread through sexual intercourse. It can also spread through oral sex as well as anal sex. This microbe travels through your semen or vaginal fluid. Those who use sex toys may also get it if such toys are already infected. Can you use doxycycline for this condition? It is essential to know more about this prior to starting your medication plan.
A person who is infected by the chlamydial strand of bacteria can spread it to other people. It can spread when the infected person has sex with her / his partner. The way this strand spreads is through vaginal fluids or semen. Pregnant women who have this infection are more likely to pass this on to their newly born infants. The good news is chlamydia is curable through a proper treatment plan. However, if you leave it to remain without any treatment, you may soon witness other serious conditions.
Chlamydia does not show up in the form of any characteristic signs. Hence, those who have may continue living with it for a fairly long span of time. Lack of access to safe sex techniques – such as dental dams or condoms – is largely attributed to the spread of this infection. Based on estimates done in 2019, more than 2.10 million people are diagnosed with this condition. However, this is considered to have increased in recent years.
Typical signs of this infection
In women, the typical signs of chlamydia include yellow discharge of vaginal fluids; oftentimes, these fluids may be foul smelling, discharge of pus along with urine, painful spells of urination, and persistent pain in the lower half of your abdominal region, etc. In men, it is likely to cause pains while peeing as well as discharge of a mucus-type substance from your penis. Apart from reproductive organs, you may also notice pus being discharged from your anus, redness as well as pain in your eyes. Your caregiving team may conduct a test known as nucleic acid amplification test (in short, NAAT); this is done on your urine samples. In general, those who are below 24 years of age and are having multiple sexual partners are required to opt for this test.
Treatment of chlamydia
Medications belonging to a genre called antibiotics are commonly administered to treat this sexually transmitted infection (STI). If left untreated, it may lead to autoimmune conditions such as arthritis, enhance the odds of HIV AIDS, reduction of fertility level by lowering your sperm count as well as the spread of infections to testicles, etc. The use of antibiotics for a week or two is often prescribed upon being diagnosed with this infection. The most commonly used antibiotics are doxycycline, azithromycin, etc. Of these meds, doxycycline is taken for up to a week (i.e., 7 days). On the other hand, azithromycin is administered in a single dose.
Use of doxycycline for the treatment of chlamydia
Doxycycline is an antibacterial med that is used for a wide range of infections; the conditions it can treat are infections in your urinary tract, eye-based microbial infections, skin conditions such as acne, and sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, etc. The key function of this drug is to stop the spread of bacteria; it is also considered to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Owing to such a unique chemical structure, it is categorized under a genre called tetracycline antibiotic meds. This drug is not prescribed to people living with known allergies to tetracycline, minocycline, or other forms of antimicrobial meds.
Safety measures prior to taking doxycycline
This drug is never prescribed for children aged 9 years or less. Intake of this med by younger children may cause yellowing or permanent discoloration of teeth. Children are given this med only when the infection is extremely serious. The same risks loom at large when women who are pregnant take doxycycline; their unborn baby is likely to develop teeth discoloration as the infant grows up. Also, people living with liver conditions such as inflammation of the liver or hepatitis will need to keep their treating physician informed of such hepatic problems. Moreover, people with other sexually transmitted problems such as gonorrhea must never take this med. Hence, it becomes important to tell your doctor about all prior ailments before beginning your treatment plan.
Women who are taking birth control pills may need to take added precautions. Birth control pills may be rendered powerless when you are taking this med. You may witness unplanned pregnancy if you are not aware of such risks. It is a safe practice to use non-hormonal birth control techniques such as diaphragms, condoms, or vaginal rings. Talk to your caregiver about a birth control option that suits best for you.
The tablet form is swallowed with plenty of fluids. If you are witnessing stomach problems such as nausea or upset, take this med along with a meal or with a glass of milk. It is unsafe to bite or crush the pill in your mouth. If you are asked to take the slow-release version, powdering the pill in your mouth can lead to a sudden discharge of ingredients and is considered harmful. This med is also available as a liquid suspension as well as an injection. The liquid form is taken with the measuring device provided along with the pack. The injectable version is administered when you are incapable of taking the liquid or the pill form of doxycycline. Last but not least, care to store it at ambient temperature and keep it safe from light sources or heat. It is not safe to keep it in your toilet as the moisture there may adversely interact with this med.
In sum, doxycycline is an antibiotic drug. It is widely used for treating infections such as acne, and sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, etc. Its active ingredients can halt further progression of bacteria and this drug is known to enhance cure through its anti-inflammatory capabilities. It belongs to a genre of drugs known as tetracycline antibiotic meds. This drug is not safe for children as it can lead to discoloration of their teeth. People with liver problems like hepatitis or cirrhosis must also keep away from doxycycline. In general, it is safe to inform your physician about all prior conditions prior to commencing your medication plan.