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Fludrocortisone is widely administered for the treatment of a low level of glucocorticoid in your system. These naturally forming substances are essential for normal functioning of your body; especially for retaining adequate amounts of water as well as salts. A suboptimal level of these corticoids may also lead to an imbalance in blood pressure level. These are known to play a vital role in breaking down sugars and making them available for your cells. Fludrocortisone is used as a supplement to set right inadequacies of these natural corticoids. But, what are the likely drug interactions the intake of fludrocortisone may trigger? It is a wise thing to know more about possible interactions.

A few naturally made chemicals keep your body to function normally. Glucocorticoid is one such natural substance. These are made in your adrenal glands; these substances enable an optimal retention of salts, water and thus keep internal swelling / inflammation under control. These corticoids also exert sizable control over absorption of fats in your cells. Owing to these properties, glucocorticoids are useful for the prevention of autoimmune conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, various types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), allergies, arthritis, etc.

In a few people, their system may not make needful amount of these corticoids. In such cases, man-made or artificial supplements are widely prescribed. In this milieu, it is important to know that fludrocortisone is a lab-made version of corticoids. It helps restores needful quantum of glucocorticoids that your body needs. Requirement of this artificial version of fludrocortisone arises when your adrenal glands are affected by conditions such as Addison’s disease or other malfunction. This med is taken orally as instructed by your treating doctor. Intake of larger doses – without taking the consent of your physician – can lead to adverse side effects.

Drug interactions with fludrocortisone

This corticosteroid drug is likely to work adversely when administered with a few other drugs. It is hence important to tell your doctor of other drugs you are presently taking. It is a safer practice to compile a list of all meds and treatment plans; while making such lists, include over the counter (OTC) meds, prescription drugs, vitamins, proteins, herbal meds as well as dietary supplements. Once you have shared this list, it is unsafe to make changes to it without telling your caregiver.

If you are taking meds for conditions such as clotting of blood (antiplatelet drugs), eyesight related problems such as glaucoma, cataracts, etc., cardiac ailments and hypertension i.e., high blood pressure, your caregiver must be aware of all such drugs. Those with renal problems, liver related ailments such as cirrhosis or hepatitis, mental conditions like being depressed, anxious or staying restless must tell their doctor of these ailments and the treatment pursued for each.

As fludrocortisone is known to retain sodium and discharge salts such as potassium, you are likely to experience a significant drop in such minerals. Hence, those who are taking potassium sparing drugs or cardiac meds such as digoxin must take needful precautions. This drug is also capable of lowering your immunity levels; owing to this, never take shots of vaccines. If you are diabetic (type I or II), you may find it difficult to keep your blood sugar levels under control while taking fludrocortisone. As a safety precaution, you are advised to check likely build-up of blood sugar on a periodic basis.

Among children, the active ingredients of this med may stall normal growth phase. Hence, prior to administering this drug to younger adults or children, it is highly recommended to take needful consent from your child’s physician. Those who are taking meds for internal bleeding, loss of bones or retention of fluids must take added steps to avoid possible drug interactions. The risks are fairly high if any of these following meds is featuring in your treatment plan: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, celecoxib, aspirin or naproxen; blood clot or antiplatelet drugs like clopidogrel, hormonal pills like estrogen, androgen or other forms of hormone-based contraceptive meds; blood thinning drugs like warfarin, dabigatran, etc.

If you have recently undergone an organ transplant, in order to reduce spells of organ rejection – your surgical team may advise the intake of immune suppressing meds. Medications such as cyclosporine fall under this class of meds. While your immunity levels are already low, intake of fludrocortisone may further weaken the immune system. These collective actions may make you feel ill or vulnerable to infections with ease. So, upon sensing the first signs of infections such as a runny nose, coughing or soreness of throat, you are advised to seek quick medical support.

A few people may have to take drugs such as aspirin (at a very low dosage strength) to prevent strokes or heart failures. These dosages are maintained at a marginal level of about 100 milligrams (mg), administered over a 24-hour timeline. In such cases, it is a safe practice to consult with your physician about likely interactions between low-dosage aspirin and fludrocortisone. Upon sensing any discomforts or allergies such as rashes, itchiness, feeling dizzy or drowsy – seek needful advice from your doctor for safer alternatives.

Lastly, the active ingredients of fludrocortisone may interact with a few lab reagents. Due to this risk, some lab tests may show distorted results. It hence becomes essential to tell personnel at the laboratory of the drugs you take – especially, drugs such as steroids. Also, those who are opting for a surgery or a dental intervention need to tell their caregiving team about the intake of fludrocortisone. Your surgical / dental team may advise discontinuation of this drug for at least 2 to 3 weeks prior to the date of your dental procedure or surgical intervention.

In sum, fludrocortisone is a man-made form of glucocorticoids. This is administered to people who live with conditions like Addison’s disease or other adrenal gland related ailments. This steroid may work adversely when taken with blood thinning meds (warfarin), antiplatelet drugs such as dabigatran, NSAIDs like ibuprofen, naproxen or celecoxib as well as hormonal meds containing man-made androgen / estrogen, etc. If you are taking any hormonal contraceptive measures, your treating doctor must be made aware of such medication plans. Intake of immunity suppressing drugs may turn you vulnerable to infections; hence, talk to your surgical team if you have recently had an organ transplanted. In general, talk to your caregiving team of possible interactions between fludrocortisone and the drugs you are currently / regularly taking.