Being addicted or excessively dependent on alcohol is likely to result in a few clinical problems. People who drink regularly and in large quantities may develop heart conditions as well as impairment of the functioning of their liver. Drinking has become common in many social events. As it has gained widespread acceptance, it has now become difficult to identify alcohol dependence. However, a few distinctive signs can help – these include, trying to conceal the drinking habit, inability to experience a hangover, beginning to consume alcohol in places like church or your workplace, etc. Drugs like campral help mitigate your cravings for an alcoholic drink. But, what happens when you are taking alcohol while you are using campral? It is essential to know more on this.
Medications like campral are used for establishing an optimal balance of neuro-transmitters in your brain. Dosages are dependent on your gender, age, pre-existing clinical problems as well as on how well your body reacts to the initial dosages of this drug. A few users have tried enhancing the dosage of this drug; their assumption is a larger dose can completely suppress their cravings. The irony is – such boosted dosages may only worsen your clinical condition. It is always a safe practice to take this drug under the clinical supervision and guidance of a qualified medical practitioner.
Can you administer campral to people who are drinking alcohol?
Many forms of drugs are available to limit your dependencies on alcohol. Each drug works in its own way. For instance, a medication called naltrexone inhibits a “high” sensation – often experienced by drinkers. Similarly, a med known as antabuse makes you sick each time you take alcohol. In this light, campral is administered to those who have recently discontinued using alcohol.
In other words, campral has no use if given to those who are currently drinking alcohol. This drug is equally ineffective when given to those who are living with withdrawal symptoms. Campral needs to be given to those who wish to remain sober. The drug helps by stopping your longings for a drink or cravings to take a glass of an alcoholic drink. Also, you are very likely to witness other symptoms such as being anxious or staying in a nervous state of mind. These problems may emerge as soon as you stop taking alcohol. Campral works on your brain chemicals and restores calmness. Over a few doses, you will attain greater level of tranquillity, and you may eventually say goodbye to all anxieties associated with not taking a drink.
Safe use of campral
It is of greater importance to know that campral has been approved by the US-based drug authority, food and drug administration (FDA) – a reputed approving authority of meds. Campral’s use is directed at reducing symptoms such as inability to fall asleep or insomnia, shakes or involuntary twitching of muscles, sweating profusely, restlessness, staying excessively anxious, etc.
Your treating doctor may advice intake of a standard dosage of this drug. The typical dosage is 666 milligrams (mg), which is either taken with or without food. Your medical team may start the course soon after your discontinuation of intake of alcohol. It is necessary to start the medication plan as early as possible. A delay in starting a treatment may lead to a possible relapse of urges to have an alcoholic drink. Some people think that dosages of this med can suppress all future urges to drink alcohol. This is not true at all! Your recovery from alcohol addiction requires more than these drugs. It is often treated with a comprehensive treatment plan; it comprises becoming a member of a support group (such as, alcoholics anonymous), having frequent sessions with your therapist – often, a qualified mental health caregiver or a psychologist, changes made to your dietary habits, adhering to a daily workout regime, and of course, administration of the aforesaid medications under the care of a doctor. Your physician may also advice enrolment into sober communities and other supporting groups. In such groups, you are likely to have interactions with others who are trying to limit their dependence on alcohol.
Precautions needed prior to taking campral
You need to stay aware of the side effects campral is likely to trigger. The most common discomforts and adverse effects include pain in lower abdomen, difficulties to pass stools (i.e., constipation), decrease in sexual desires or libido, altered sense of taste, etc. Those with prior history of hypertension or an increased blood pressure level are advised not to take this drug. Also, those with a clinical history of respiratory disorders – such as bronchitis, asthma or any other forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary conditions (like COPD) must keep away from taking this drug. These precautions are essential as this drug is likely to cause breathing problems and may also raise your blood pressure levels.
Above all, this drug gets eliminated from your system with the help of your kidneys. So, if you are living with renal dysfunction such as chronic renal disease or if you are undergoing dialysis, you must not take this drug. If taken by those with kidney problems, it may soon lead to a build-up / accumulation of active ingredients of campral. Over a period of time, it can also result in toxicity and other problems. If you have a kidney problem – wherein the efficiency to clear creatinine falls below 30 mL per minute, dosages of campral are never administered. However, if your clearance efficiency (of creatinine) is around 50 mL per minute, mild dosages of this drug (i.e., at sizably reduced dosage values) are administered.
In sum, campral is of little use if you take it along with alcohol. You need to know that this med can help you remain sober; it mainly suppresses your urges to have a drink. It also manages the typical discomforts you may experience while you discontinue taking alcohol. The discomforts campral helps manage include nervousness, being fidgety, involuntary shakes or tremors, anxieties, etc. Campral calms your mind by altering the quantum of transmitting chemicals present in your brain. However, before starting to take this drug, it is always a safe practice to consult with a qualified medical practitioner or a pharmacist.