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What is the best time to take blood pressure medications

pressure is the pressure exerted in your blood vessels while your heart functions. A high level of pressure denotes your cardiac system is working hard i.e., harder than what is normally needed. Timely treatment to decrease blood pressure can minimise serious ailments like renal disorders, stroke or cardiac ailments. Your treating doctor is likely to administer drugs to reduce pressure levels. But what is the best time to take blood pressure meds? It becomes an essential thing to know more on this front.

Research shows nearly 24% of adults living in US is likely to have high blood pressure. Many people may not know that they have such a clinical condition. It is a good practice to check your pressure level periodically. High level of blood pressure may cause injuries to your blood vessels and may affect the normal functioning of organs like heart, kidneys, brain, eyes, etc.

Understanding blood pressure readings

Sphygmomanometer is an instrument widely used for the measurement of blood pressure. It is a safe practice to check pressure levels at regular intervals. Two counts assume greater importance viz., systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. Of these two readings, systolic is maximum pressure noted while your heart supplies blood to your body. It is also referred as maximum level of pressure. Diastolic pressure is a reading when blood fills your heart. It is labelled as minimum point of pressure experienced while your heart beats.

Blood pressure is represented as millimetres of mercury (or mmHg). It is written as systolic / diastolic. For example – 120 / 80 mmHg. When your blood pressure exceeds 130/90, it is termed as hypertension. Hypertension requires an apt medication plan. Those who leave it unattended / uncared for may witness heart attacks, blurring of vision, renal dysfunction, etc. It is a safe practice to consult with a qualified medical professional. Your doctor may administer drugs to reduce high level of blood pressure; these drugs are called antihypertensives.

What is the best time to take blood pressure medications?

Studies done on this front indicate that intake of antihypertensives at night-time tends to provide a better control over your pressure level. Night-time intake is known to have an uncompromising level of control on day-time pressure level as well. No two individuals are likely to have the same pattern of pressure within a day. For example, people experience dipping, reverse dipping or non-dipping patterns of blood pressure.

Dipping is experienced when you witness > 20% drop in pressure while non-dipping is when the reduction is less than 10%. Reverse dipping refers to a spike in pressure while you sleep (than what you experience while you are awake). Research shows that those who live with extreme dipping, reverse dipping or non-dipping forms of pressure benefit the most when they take their drugs at night.

In general, taking your blood pressure drugs at night is known to normalise pressure levels. It can also help elderly patients i.e., those aged above 50 years; such people are more likely to have non-dipping episodes of hypertension.

However, if you had been taking your antihypertensives during the mornings, never change it into a night dosage without consulting with your treating doctor. You need to know blood pressure meds are of multiple genres; for instance, diuretics work by eliminating salts and fluids from your body. It is a good practice to take diuretics in the morning. This is mainly because of these drugs’ ability to make you pee often. So, if you take them at night, you may not a good night’s sleep; you may need to wake up frequently for peeing.

Last but not least, how blood pressure medications work for you depends on your genetic make-up, age, severity of hypertension as well as based on any pre-existing medical conditions. Hence, share your clinical history with your treating physician and adhere to your caregiver’s instructions all through your medication plan to control blood pressure more effectively.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.