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A swollen face could be the result of one of many different reasons. While most individuals may have the urge to choose some home remedy or take some OTC medication to reduce the swelling, the best option is to understand the underlying cause or causes. This will help to ensure that the treatment is effective, and will also ensure that there is no relapse. One of the most commonly asked questions is – what is the best way to reduce swelling in your face? The best answer to this is question is therefore, a good understanding of the reasons, and identification of the associated symptoms before attempting treatment. Following sub sections offer details that will help deal with a swollen face more effectively.

What are the reasons for a swollen face?

Commonly attributed reasons for facial swelling include the following. There could be other possible reasons that cause swelling in the face; however, these are known to be the most common or frequently reported reasons.

  1. Injury to the head, the nose or the jaw
  2. Reaction to blood transfusion
  3. Angioedema, a condition where there is swelling beneath the skin
  4. Cellulitis, a bacterial infection
  5. Allergic reactions, including allergic rhinitis, hay fever, or reaction to the sting of a bee
  6. Drug interactions, for instance, penicillin, glucocorticoids etc.
  7. Inflammation of the eye – conjunctivitis
  8. Severe malnutrition
  9. Disorders in salivary glands
  10. Burn injuries
  11. Sinusitis, infection in the sinuses
  12. Obesity
  13. Abscess of the tooth
  14. Stye, a bacterial infection

How to identify each condition

With the conditions that cause facial swelling listed out, it is now time to understand the symptoms that cause facial swelling. This will help to identify the underlying reason, and take appropriate remedial measures. This will help prevent wrong treatments, that may sometimes aggravate the condition or prolong the condition. Here is a look at the conditions and the telltale symptoms linked to each condition.

Symptoms of allergies

Common symptoms that indicate allergies include possible sneezing, and a stuffy nose. The individual may also experience itching in the nose apart from a runny nose. The throat may feel sore and could also itch at times. Difficulty in breathing is also a symptom of possible allergy, apart from swelling in the throat. Other symptoms that are indicative of allergies include coughing, and sudden spike in pulse rate. In addition, this, the individual may also, at time experience profuse sweating without any strenuous physical activity, while some are known to experience dizzy feelings. Fainting and nausea are also likely symptoms of allergies, apart from vomiting sensations and diarrhea. Pain that is consistent with abdominal cramps is also an outcome of allergic reactions.

How to reduce facial swelling that is linked to allergies?

Allergic reactions are classified as mild and serious in nature. The mild allergies can be quickly handled with OTC formulations and commonly used home remedies. However, if the allergic reaction is identified as serious or adverse in nature, it is important to seek medical intervention at a healthcare facility. This will prevent the condition from turning life endangering in nature. For instance, anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction that could quickly develop into an emergency. Simple allergic reactions can be dealt with oral OTC medications, topical applications and sprays that can be used on the eyes or the nose.

What are the symptoms of an infection?

The commonly occurring or linked symptoms of an infection are the following. The individual may develop a low grade or high grade fever, that is not linked to any other condition. There could be pain experienced in the affected part of the body, that may or may not be accompanied by a reddish appearance. The formation of blisters and bumps on the skin are also other possible symptoms of an infection. The breath of infected individuals is also known to smell foul/be malodorous. Pain in the tooth or sensitive tooth are also indications of an infection. Other discernible symptoms include throbbing headache and pain in the muscles. Overall fatigue is another possible symptom that can identify an infection. Another strong or common symptom is a sudden loss of appetite due to the infection.

How to treat facial swelling that is linked to infections?

Treatment of underlying infections are necessary to deal with the swelling on the face. An infection that is recognized as a bacterial infection needs to be treated by a medical practitioner. This typically involves antibiotics that are effective for the particular strain of bacteria. Infections that are recognized as viral, also require suitable treatment from a medical practitioner. This will ensure that the infection is treated in the shortest possible time and will also prevent any adverse outcomes or aggravation. Certain infections, if left untreated, or if not treated properly, may result in possible spread, that could affect other organs. Alleviation of the symptoms is possible with simple OTC formulations, pain killers that contain ibuprofen, apart from NSAIDs.

What are the symptoms of injuries?

Most injuries are easily visible or discernible to the naked eye. For instance, cuts on the injured part, or bruises and lacerations help to identify injuries. But injuries that are not visible, or young patients or individuals who are unable to clearly express their discomfort or pain end up suffering. Family members may not understand that the individual is injured due to the inability to clearly communicate or if the injury is not visible clearly. Injured individuals are likely to be confused, may be in a state of shock, or could end up feeling unusually or abnormally sleepy. It is possible to also identify injuries from symptoms like blurred vision, or slurred speech, dilated pupils, apart from unusual or abnormal seizures.

What is the best way to reduce swelling in your face due to injuries?

Simple injuries can be managed with ice packs or a cold compress, along with pain reliving medications. This includes NSAIDs, and other OTC formulations for pain relief. However, it is important to resist the urge to use stronger opioids for pain relief without a prescription or specific recommendation.  Injuries that appear serious in nature, for instance; broken bones, require suitable treatment at a hospital. Similarly, injuries such as head injuries and concussion also need to be treated with care at a specialist facility.