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Melatonin supplements are useful in helping individuals with sleep disorders sleep better. The supplement is primarily meant to increase the levels of melatonin in the body, which is known to help improve sleep. Following subsections offer a detailed look at how the supplement works and helps individuals sleep. More importantly it answers a frequently asked question – what is the maximum safe dosage for melatonin? It is extremely important to be aware of the right dosage, as a common complication linked to all supplements is excessive dosage. Many people are known to take a stronger dosage in an effort to receive better or faster results, though the outcomes are contrary to expectations.

What is melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone that has a role in regulating sleep cycles. This hormone is produced in the body as a response to darkness, and is known to help individuals with the circadian rhythm. This is essentially the internal clock of the body, that helps manage the awake-sleep cycles during the day and the night. Individuals who are exposed to light during the nights, are likely to have lesser melatonin production. As a result of this, sleep could be affected, or the individual may not experience sound or deep sleep. Melatonin also has other functions, in addition to regulating the sleep – wake cycle. Available as an over the counter supplement, it helps individuals enjoy sleep better.

During the night, information about lesser light is transmitted to the pineal gland in the brain, and this gland releases melatonin, which helps individuals fall asleep. The gland does not release the hormone during the day, when the amount of exposure to light is relatively higher. Melatonin is also present in certain food products, such as eggs, fish, nuts, mushroom and cereals.

Effectiveness of Melatonin in managing conditions

The supplement is known to be beneficial to patients diagnosed with different conditions. Studies have been carried out in the past to determine its efficacy and the results of studies have been encouraging. For instance, participants in a study were administered melatonin, while a control group was given placebo. The group on melatonin reportedly enjoyed longer duration of sleep, in addition to falling asleep faster. The group also reported better quality of sleep; when compared with the control group that was not given melatonin.

It is however, important to note that melatonin is not to be treated at par with other sedatives, or medications that belong to sleeping pill category. On the same note, melatonin has the advantage of presenting relatively lesser undesirable effects. Melatonin is often used by individuals to get over jet lag, and to help professionals working in night shifts, apart from individuals suffering from insomnia. Melatonin is also used by individuals with headaches, Alzheimer’s and tinnitus. It is also being studied as a possible supplement as part of holistic treatment for cancer. Melatonin is also used to help individuals undergoing radiation therapy, by combating the effects of free radicals.

What is the maximum safe dosage for melatonin?

It is time to look at the ideal dosage for different types of users and conditions. The primary consideration when working out the dosage should be the age of the individual. The best practice is to seek medical opinion about suitability of the supplement. An important precaution for individuals with high blood pressure levels is to undergo a proper evaluation and seek explicit medical advice on suitability and safety. The following dosage information is intended to serve only as a broad reference and is not to be considered as recommendations or medical suggestions. Presently, research is yet to establish the right dosage, and individuals are to work out the right dosage on the basis of different factors – age, and condition requiring the supplement.

The average dose is usually 1 mg to 5 mg, though doses are also known to be anywhere between 0.5 mg to 10 mg, depending on the condition. The body is known to produce around 0.3 mg, and similar doses may actually be the ideal dose to get desired results. Children are typically given a dose between 0.5 mg to 1 mg, and this is usually given a couple of hours before the child goes to sleep. In the event that the dosage is ineffective, the same may be increased by 0.5 mg, maintained, and again increased, if necessary. Youngsters who experience extreme difficulty in falling asleep are typically given anywhere between 3 mg to 6 mg for desired results.

When used for adults to overcome jet lag, the dosage is anywhere between 0.5 mg to 5 mg. Professionals working in shift duties typically take between 2 mg to 3 mg, on conclusion of the shift. Elderly individuals taking the hormone for sleep disorders are known to take around 2mg every day, for a period of 3 months. It is necessary to bear in mind certain dosage instructions. The supplement is available in immediate release formulation as well as modified release formulation. The immediate release formulation is to be taken on an empty stomach, while the modified release formulation is to be taken with food or after consuming food.

What are the symptoms of Melatonin overdose?

It is important to stick to the right or recommended dosage always, to avoid any possible undesirable effects. There are tell-tale symptoms that indicate possible overdose, and it is necessary to be aware of this to identify and take suitable remedial action. It is necessary to bear in mind that one particular effect of overdose can actually be contrary. For instance, some individuals are known to experience extreme sleepiness, while some are known to end up with improved state of alertness.

Other indications of increased melatonin intake include stomach upset for no other apparent reason. Some are known to end up with diarrhea, while a small number of people may experience headache. Pain in the joints is another possible outcome that may be experienced as a result of excessive dosage. In addition to the above, the individual may also experience anxiousness, and abnormally high irritability.  An unusual increase in blood pressure levels is also indicative of high melatonin levels.