Blood pressure is the pressure put onto arteries when your heart beats. High blood pressure means your cardiac system is working at a high level i.e., more than what is required of it. Timely measures to bring down blood pressure will help from damages caused to your eyes, brain and kidneys. But, what are faster ways by which you can bring this level to a safer range? It is a vital thing to know more of this.
You can know if you are living with hypertension by regularly checking the blood pressure level. Sphygmomanometer is a device used for measuring it. Two numbers help denote blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure built when the cardiac system sends blood to all parts of your body. It denotes maximum pressure. Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure while your cardiac system gets filled with blood. It is the minimum pressure during a heartbeat.
Unit of blood pressure is millimetres of mercury (mm Hg); represented as systolic over diastolic. For example: 120 / 80 mm Hg. If blood pressure is above 130/80, your medical condition is labelled as high blood pressure or hypertension. High blood pressure needs to be treated with a proper treatment plan. If adequate care is not provided, it can cause likely damages to several parts of your body. The major risks are failure of heart or cardiac attack, strokes, blurring of eyesight, renal conditions such as impairment of kidneys, etc.
Who are likely to get affected by hypertension?
In general, those with a family history of diabetes, heart attacks or strokes are more vulnerable. The following are also likely to get it- obese people, drinkers of alcohol, smokers, people aged 54 and among people of specific racial descent.
A substantial number of people with hypertension (as high as 90%) have it without a trigger or a known cause. This medical condition is termed as essential hypertension. Its occurrence is attributed to race, age, lifestyle and diet. Consumption of salt is closely associated with its occurrence. Studies link the incidence of essential hypertension with anxiety, lesser levels of magnesium, calcium and potassium, autoimmune conditions such as diabetes as well those with excessive bodyweight. When a direct cause for high blood pressure can be established, it is categorized as secondary hypertension. Renal disorder is assigned as a common cause for secondary hypertension. It is also triggered by birth control pills and abnormal secretion from adrenal glands.
What is the quickest ways to lower your blood pressure?
There are many ways by which you can bring your blood pressure level down in a quicker manner; these include switching over to a sleeping posture and rest for some 15 minutes, embrace a workout regimen and lose weight (if you are of the obese category), do measured / metered breathing and relax your entire system through mindfulness, reduce the intake of alcohol, drink more water, etc. A few more approaches may also be practised; these are leading a stress-free life, consuming a banana each day, etc.
However, reducing a chronic onset of high blood pressure takes some time and there are no faster ways to do that. Your treating doctor will recommend changing your lifestyle habits such as drinking, smoking, leading a stressful way of living or a sedentary way life. Your dietitian will suggest you to take lesser amount of salt, pursue a healthy and a well-balanced diet, and to have water in a regular manner all through the day.
Last but not least, regular measurement of your blood pressure is the best way to check the onset of hypertension. Also, a controlled diet with reduced intake of salt, regular workouts and physical activity are proven approaches to keep hypertension at bay.