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Antimycotic drugs (also called antifungal meds) are used for treating infections triggered by fungi. Caregivers prescribe these medications for thrush (or, candidiasis), ringworm-based infections, athlete’s foot, etc. Though a few medications under the antifungal genre are available as OTC drugs, most of these drugs are sold with prescriptions. Terbinafine is one of the widely used antifungal drugs. But, what should I avoid while taking terbinafine? It is an important thing to know more.

Fungi are essentially parasites living off animals (this includes human beings) as well as plants. Some species of fungi are known to live off other types of fungi. A few forms of fungi can lead to near-fatal / fatal effects. There are select kind of fungi that can cause infections in your eyes, hair and nails. Of the various sites, skin-based infections and allergies are more common.

Fungi are known to make biologically activated substances; these prove to be toxic to plants as well as animals. In clinical terms, fungal infections are called mycosis. These are grouped based on how the infection shows up i.e., subcutaneous, systemic or superficial. Signs of each of these infections vary. For example, rashes on skin are one of the common signs of superficial infections. Subcutaneous infections can occur underneath the skin in the form of lumps.

In this light, what is terbinafine?

Terbinafine is one of the commonly administered antifungal meds. It is taken for wide range of conditions such as jock itch, athlete’s foot, nail-based infections, etc. This med is available as a tablet and also as a cream. However, its cream version is not well-suited for treating nail-based fungal conditions.

Terbinafine is found to be more effective against fungi called Onygenales. As an added use, it can treat conditions triggered by another species called Candida. Pills of this med are prescribed for infections of nails. As these infections occur deep down the nails, application of cream will have limited / no use. Tablets of terbinafine may cause toxicity; hence, the wellbeing of your liver is monitored on a regular basis.

What should I avoid while taking terbinafine tablets?

In general, caffeinated do not go well with terbinafine. Hence, you are advised to stay away from beverages like tea or coffee. As a safety measure, do not take drinks like cola or other energy-yielding beverages.

Moreover, these pills can make you sensitive to sunlight. It is highly recommended to wear protective garments while you are stepping out of your home. Garments such as gloves and hat can help protect your skin from itchiness.

Those who have had a liver condition need to inform their caregiver of such problems. Details about prior conditions such as hepatitis (inflammation) and cirrhosis must be shared before starting treatment plans.

Also, those who are living with a compromised immunity system must keep their physician aware of such disorders. You need to know a few drugs may weaken your immune system; also, a few other diseases may bring down the efficacy of your immunity cells.

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Safety pointers while using terbinafine

It is unsafe to use this med without needful medical supervision. You can use this med either before or after a meal. In case of fingernail-based infections, the dosage plan spans nearly 40 days’ time. On the other hand, the duration of treatment for toenail-based fungal infections may last more than 80 days.

It is dangerous to stop using this med upon sensing some first signs of relief. Those who stopped taking the pills in the interim run the risk of witnessing a relapse of infections. Above all, stay aware of the fact that you may need to go for blood tests quite frequently. Lastly, you are advised to talk to your treating doctor and / or pharmacist to know more about what should I avoid while taking terbinafine.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.