Optimal level of blood pressure is a basic prerequisite for cardiac wellbeing. Elevated blood pressure is likely to trigger heart attacks, strokes and renal failure. If you notice persistent spells of hypertension i.e., high blood pressure, consult a qualified caregiver. Treatment includes intake of meds, exercising regularly, leading a peaceful life and eating a balanced diet. Drugs such as amlodipine, lisinopril, etc., are commonly prescribed to reduce pressure levels. But which is safer – amlodipine or lisinopril? It makes sense to know more about this.
What is amlodipine?
Calcium channel blockers, also known as CCBs, – are taken for treating high blood pressure. Amlodipine is a widely used CCB. Consumption of CCBs like amlodipine helps decrease calcium levels into your heart and blood vessels. Regular intake helps reduce blood pressure; thanks to relaxation of blood vessels. One of key tasks amlodipine performs is easing up your blood vessels. This action makes it easy for blood to flow through arteries. The net result is – your blood pressure tends to decrease and reach a normal level; in this process, the rate of heartbeat also stands stabilised.
What is lisinopril?
Lisinopril is a popular angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. It is taken for prevention of cardiac conditions such as heart attacks or cardiac arrests. The odds of incidence of strokes also tend to get reduced substantially. Your doctor may also prescribe it to increase the survival rate – especially after encountering a heart failure. One of the main tasks lisinopril does is reduce tension build-up on arterial walls; this action brings down blood pressure level to a normal level.
Which is safer – amlodipine or lisinopril?
Both these meds are used for the treatment of hypertension; the choice is based on your age, body weight, gender, prior illnesses – if any, presence of prior allergies to antihypertensives. On which drug is safe, it is important to read pregnancy risk ratings.
Amlodipine comes with a category-C labelling. This label means “risks are not fully ruled-out”. On the other hand, lisinopril is rated as a category-D medication; this indicates that there is “positive evidence of risk” to fetus. Owing to these risk ratings, it is a safe practice for women who are pregnant (also, those who plan to get pregnant) to consult with your caregiving team before taking any one of these drugs.
Comparison of half-life periods of these two drugs: amlodipine is known to have a half-life period of nearly 35 hours while the half-life of lisinopril is 16.5 hours. This means the active ingredients of amlodipine are likely to remain longer in your system than lisinopril’s. Those who have had earlier episodes of hypersensitivity to amlodipine will need to inform their doctor about such conditions; as the essential chemicals tend to stay back for more than 34 hours, allergies to this med can trigger a few health risks.
In this milieu, it becomes important to note that amlodipine was cleared for public use in 1992; lisinopril – on the other hand – was authorised for use in 1987. You will find that lisinopril bears approval at an earlier timeline when compared to amlodipine.
Lastly, regardless of which of the above 2 drugs you are taking to control high blood pressure, it is recommended to seek the guidance from a professional healthcare practitioner. Intake of either of these meds through self-medication route or over the counter mode can lead to severe risks. Upon sensing abdominal discomforts like nausea, vomiting or indigestion, dial 911 (if you live in US) or reach out to Health Canada (if you are in a Canadian province). In order to know more on which drug is safer – amlodipine or lisinopril, it is a good practice to talk to your caregiving team/pharmacist.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.