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Why-is-trazodone-not-helping-me-sleep in a webp image

Mood-based disorders such as depression can make you remain sad for long. If spells of depression stay on for long, they can have an adverse effect on your life. Mental problems tend to make you feel disinterested and develop a sense of apathy towards most things. Trazodone is one of the widely prescribed antidepressants. This drug can also make you sleep well. At times, this med may not make you fall asleep. So, why is trazodone not helping me sleep? It is worth your while to have more details.

Onset of depression is linked to undesired experiences such as depressed tend to be more when your experience unpleasant events such as a divorce, unemployment or losing a beloved one. If you have a close relative (like a parent or a sibling) with mental disorders, the odds of your getting it are high. Studies show that people who drink alcohol regularly tend to be depressed more often than non-drinkers.

In general, caregivers prescribe drugs called antidepressants to treat depression and other such mental problems. Episodes of mental conditions require immediate attention and care offered by a qualified mental health professional. If you decide to let it remain unattended, it can soon make your appetite to fall. As a result, you tend get low on energies.

In this milieu, what is trazodone?

Trazodone is one of the popular antidepressants. It belongs to a genre called serotonin receptor agonist and reuptake inhibiting drugs (in short, SARI). Trazodone is known to have a lot of identical properties with drugs of a sub-genre called selective serotonin reuptake inhibiting medications (SSRIs). But, owing to a few dissimilarities, trazodone is categorised as an SSRI med.

Trazodone is mainly taken for depression and related moods-related ailments. Trazodone however should not be administered with drugs like MAO inhibitors. These include isocarboxazid, linezolid and phenelzine – to name a few. Caregivers recommend provision of a gap of 15 days after discontinuing MAO inhibiting drugs such as tranylcypromine.

On a related note, trazodone is not prescribed to younger adults as well as teens. It is in fact unsafe to give it to people aged less than 18 years.

Why is trazodone not helping me sleep?

Trazodone can make you have a good night’s sleep. Owing to this, caregiving professionals prescribe it for sleep-related disorders like insomnia or sleeplessness. The good thing is trazodone seldom forms a habit not is it addictive. Standard dose of trazodone to get proper sleep is 25 mg. In some cases, doses may go up to as high as 100 mg.

Often, caregivers provide a lower dose to avoid sleepiness while you are working or in wake-hours. As trazodone is a short-action med, at lesser doses – you tend to develop lesser effects.

You may need to wait for more than 25 minutes for the drug to start working. So, after a dose, it takes more than half-hour for the sedative properties of trazodone to kick-in. Usually, peak-level concentration of this med can take more than 60 minutes’ time. Also, if you have taken this drug along with a meal, it may delay the starting time. Despite all these factors, if trazodone is not making you feel sleepy, it is a safe thing to talk to your treating doctor.

How to take doses of trazodone safely?

The maximum dosage value must never exceed 400 milligrams (mg). However, this is not the dosage that puts you to sleep. It is indeed a safe thing to talk to your caregiver prior making any changes to the dosing plan.

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Above all, trazodone is never used through the self-medication route. Those who took high doses – on an over the counter (OTC) mode – witnessed near-fatal effects. It is highly recommended to get added information on why is trazodone not helping me sleep prior to taking more doses of this antidepressant med.


Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting intake of this drug as safe or appropriate. Hence it is advised to talk to your doctor before consuming this med or any other drug.